№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Mamatov N.S. | Katta o'qituvchi | National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" |
2 | Dusanov K.T. | Katta o'qituvchi | Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan |
3 | Bobomurodov O.Z. | Katta o'qituvchi | Branch of Kazan Federal University in the city of Jizzakh |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1.National Institute of Standards and Technology of US (2003), Integration Definition For Function Modeling (IDEF0), http://www.idef.com/pdf/Idef3_fn.pdf,Cited 15 Jun 20122.Richard J. Mayer Ph.D. (2003) Information Integration for Concurrent Engineering (IICE) IDEF3 Process Description Capture method Report, http://www.idef.com/pdf/Idef0_fn.pdf,Cited 15 Jun 2012 |
2 | 2.Richard J. Mayer Ph.D. (2003) Information Integration for Concurrent Engineering (IICE) IDEF3 Process Description Capture method Report, http://www.idef.com/pdf/Idef0_fn.pdf,Cited 15 Jun 2012 |
3 | 3.Dong Jingran, Liao Kaiji. PC configuration domain ontology modeling based on IDEF 5 [J]. Computer and information technology. 2008,4 (3):43. |
4 | 4.Ofis: Visio, olindi: https://products.office.com/en-us/visio/flowchart-software |
5 | 5.Idef: Idef1x ma’lumotlarni modellashtirish usuli, http://www.idef.com/idef1x-datamodeling-method/ |
6 | 6.Vertalbelo: Chen yozuvi, olindi: http://www.vertabelo.com/blog/technical-articles/chen-erdnotation / |
7 | 7.Vertalbelo: UML yozuvi, olindi: http://www.vertabelo.com/blog/technical-articles/umlnotation/ |
8 | 8.T. Connolly, C. Begg, Database Systems: A amaliy yondashuv dizayn, amalga oshirish va boshqarish, oltinchi nashr, Pearson Education limited, Buyuk Britaniya, 2015 yil. |