This article presents engineering calculations aimed at assessing the load carrying capacity of supports and foundations as a result of the increase in the contribution of modern temporary loads to highway reinforced concrete bridges and overpasses designed according to old regulations. In addition, their effect on their size because of the increase of temporary loads was calculated and relevant conclusions were drawn.
This article presents engineering calculations aimed at assessing the load carrying capacity of supports and foundations as a result of the increase in the contribution of modern temporary loads to highway reinforced concrete bridges and overpasses designed according to old regulations. In addition, their effect on their size because of the increase of temporary loads was calculated and relevant conclusions were drawn.
В данной статье представлены инженерные расчеты, направленные на оценку несущей способности опор и фундаментов в результате увеличения вклада современных временных нагрузок на автодорожные железобетонные мосты и путепроводы, спроектированные по старым нормам. Также было рассчитано влияние на их размеры в результате увеличения временных нагрузок и сделаны соответствующие выводы.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Zokirov F.Z. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
2 | Raximjonov Z.Q. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
3 | Hikmatova I.F. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1. Salixanov, S. S., Zokirov, F. Z., Xakimova, Y. T., & Ismailova, G. B. (2023). The effect of increasing loads on foundations of operating bridges. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 401, p. 01080). EDP Sciences. |
2 | 2. Zokirov, F. (2023). Uzoq (qisqa) muddatli vaqtinchalik yuk temirbeton namunalarning eksperimental nazariy tekshiruvlari. Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi samarqand davlat arxitektura qurilish universiteti. |
3 | 3. Salixanov, S., & Zokirov, F. (2022). Ekspluatatsiya qilinayotgan temirbeton ko‘prik oraliq qurilmalari yuk ko‘taruvchanligini hozirgi zamon yuklarini o‘tkazish uchun oshirish. Toshkent Davlat Transport Universiteti. |
4 | 4. Zokirov, F. (2023). Yuklar ortishining ekspluatatsiya qilinayotgan ko’priklar poydevorlariga ta’siri. Toshkent Davlat Transport Universiteti. |
5 | 5. Salixanov, S., & Zokirov, F. (2022). Повышение несущей способности пролетных строений эксплуатирующихся железобетонных мостов. Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi samarqand davlat arxitektura-qurilish universiteti. |
6 | 6. Saidxon, S., Zokirov, F., Salixanov, S., & G’anisher, M. (2022). Increasing the load-bearing capacity of superstructures of operating reinforced concrete bridges. Toshkent Davlat Transport Universiteti. |
7 | 7. Салиханов, С., & Zokirov, F. (2022). Мостовое полотно с применением современных гидроизоляционных материалов. Tashkent State Transport University. |