The main aim of this article is to study different standpoints about religious discourse, which includes sacred texts that are the core of universal culture. The article highlights the main linguistic features of religious discourse and combines several scientists’ various descriptions. This research mainly analyses religious texts as one type of religious discourse. Islamic literary and public texts are chosen as the object of research. In order to achieve the main aim of the research, linguistic observation and analysis, contextual and lexicographic analysis, as well as classification methods are used. According to the analysis's findings, it is clear that there are special features of religious discourse, and they are considered specialized texts. There are many levels of the Islamic religious lexicon, they cannot be understood by all people. The study introduces new classification of Islamic religious terms. Due to the canonic nature of Islamic religious texts and the existence of lacunae in the English culture in relation to the lexicon of Islamic discourse, the speaker or writer should be very careful while choosing the appropriate lexicon to achieve adequacy when using them in English.
The main aim of this article is to study different standpoints about religious discourse, which includes sacred texts that are the core of universal culture. The article highlights the main linguistic features of religious discourse and combines several scientists’ various descriptions. This research mainly analyses religious texts as one type of religious discourse. Islamic literary and public texts are chosen as the object of research. In order to achieve the main aim of the research, linguistic observation and analysis, contextual and lexicographic analysis, as well as classification methods are used. According to the analysis's findings, it is clear that there are special features of religious discourse, and they are considered specialized texts. There are many levels of the Islamic religious lexicon, they cannot be understood by all people. The study introduces new classification of Islamic religious terms. Due to the canonic nature of Islamic religious texts and the existence of lacunae in the English culture in relation to the lexicon of Islamic discourse, the speaker or writer should be very careful while choosing the appropriate lexicon to achieve adequacy when using them in English.
Ushbu maqolaning asosiy maqsadi umuminsoniy madaniyatning o‘zagi bo‘lgan muqaddas matnlarni o‘z ichiga olgan diniy diskurs haqidagi turli ilmiy nazariyalarni o‘rganishdir. Maqolada diniy diskursning asosiy xususiyatlari tilshunoslik jihatidan yoritilgan va u haqida bir qancha olimlarning turli tavsiflari mujassamlashgan. Bu tadqiqotda, asosan, diniy matnlar diniy diskursning bir ko‘rinishi sifatida tahlil qilindi. Tadqiqot obyekti sifatida islomiy badiiyommabop matnlar tanlangan. Tadqiqotning asosiy maqsadiga erishish uchun lingvistik kuzatish va lingvistik tahlil, kontekstual va leksikografik tahlil, shuningdek, tasniflash metodlari qo‘llanildi. Tahlil natijalariga ko‘ra, diniy diskursning alohida o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari borligi va ular maxsus matnlar hisoblanishi ochiqlandi. Islom dini leksikasining turli darajalari borligi, ular hamma odamlar uchun ham tushunarli bo‘lmasligi isbotlandi. Maqolada islom dini atamalarining yangi tasnifi kiritildi. Xulosa qilinadiki, islomiy diniy matnlarning kanoniklik xususiyatiga va ingliz madaniyatida islomiy diskurs leksikasiga nisbatan lakunalar mavjudligiga ko‘ra ulardan ingliz tilida foydalanayotganda adekvatlikka erishish uchun mos leksika tanlashda so‘zlovchi yoki yozuvchidan juda ehtiyot bo‘lish talab etiladi.
Основной целью статьи является изучение различных точек зрения на религиозный дискурс, включающий в себя священные тексты, являющиеся основной общечеловеческой культуры. В статье выделены основные особенности религиозного дискурса и объединены различные описания о нем нескольких ученых. В данном исследовании особое внимание уделяется религиозным текстам как одному из типов религиозного дискурса. Объектом исследования были выбраны исламские литературные и публицистические тексты. Для достижения основной цели исследования используются лингвистическое наблюдение и анализ, контекстуальный и лексикографический анализ, а также метод классификации. По результатам анализа становится ясно, что религиозные дискурсы имеют особенности и считаются специализированными текстами. Существует много уровней исламской религиозной лексики, они не могут быть понятны всем людям. В статье представлена новая классификация исламских религиозных терминов. Ввиду каноничности исламских религиозных текстов и существования лакуны в английской культуре по отношению к лексике исламского дискурса, необходимо быть осторожными в выборе подходящей лексики, чтобы добиться адекватности при их использовании по-английски.
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