this article, it is very important to transmit the warnings that occurred in JSC "Uzbekistan railways" in a short period of time for the safety of train traffic, as well as to reduce the time of excessive stopping of trains. It is described how to use Telegram " ЖД _ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ " bot to deliver warnings to trains to the train driver using information technology and to get information.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 14-06-2024
  • Количество прочтений 151
  • Дата публикации 01-03-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы10-15

this article, it is very important to transmit the warnings that occurred in JSC "Uzbekistan railways" in a short period of time for the safety of train traffic, as well as to reduce the time of excessive stopping of trains. It is described how to use Telegram " ЖД _ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ " bot to deliver warnings to trains to the train driver using information technology and to get information.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Aripov N.M. Assistant Тashkent State Transport University
2 Axmedova M.D. Assistant Тashkent State Transport University
3 Toxirov N.S. Assistant Тashkent State Transport University
Название ссылки
1 NM Aripov, AA Svetashev, Sh.Sh. Kamaletdinov, and NS Tokhirov. Mathematical Modeling of the Automated Process of Transmission of Applications for Train Warning by Distance of Roads. AIP Conference Proceedings 2432, 030116 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0089539
2 Aripov N.M., Toxirov N.S. Creating an automated system for issuing warnings to trains in railway transport. Tashkent-2020. – Pp. 168-172.
3 Sh.Sh. Kamaletdinov, N.S. Tokhirov, Qualitative and temporal characteristics of electronic document management processes in cargo and commercial operations// E3S Web of Conferences 264, 05042 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202126405042.
4 Aripov N.M., Kamaletdinov Sh.Sh., Toxirov N.S. Measures to increase train safety on the basis of the creation of an automated system of warnings to trains in JSC "Uzbekistan railways" " // Scientific-technical journal (STJ FerPI, 2021, T.25, №4). – Pp. 168-172.
5 Aripov N. M., Kamaletdinov Sh. Sh. Improvement of cargo and commercial work in the conditions of application of electronic document management in railway transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan // VESTNIK, Tashkent: TASHSTU, No. 2, 2018. pp. 39-45.
6 N. M. Aripov, Sh. Sh. Kamaletdinov, N. S. Toxirov, “Automation of train warning processes” vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 483–490, 202, DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-474-482
7 N. M. Aripov, Sh. Sh. Kamaletdinov, N. S. Toxirov, end M. D. Axmedova, “To examine the effect of train awarding on the ability of The area to be transferred” vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 474–482, DOI: 10.24412/2181 1385-2021-9-483-490.
8 Nazirjon Aripov, Shokrukh Kamaletdinov, Nosir Tokhirov, Zebo Abduraxmanova. Simulation Modeling of Train Traffic Based on GIS Technologies. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIFE SAFETY AND STABILITY (EJLSS).
9 N. M. Aripov, Sh. Sh. Kamaletdinov, N. S. Tokhirov. Choosing of wireless technology among the internet of things to improve the organization of the transportation process in railway transport.: Tashkent, 2019. No. 3. pages 181-195. (https://uzjournals.edu.uz/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1074&context=tashiit)
10 N. M. Aripov, Sh. Sh. Kamaletdinov, N. S. Tokhirov. “Practical application of LORAWAN technology for tracking rolling stock in railway transport,” Academic Research in Educational Sciences Volume 3, Issue 8, 2022: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Rs_3Up0AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=2
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