The purpose of this essay is to exploring and understanding of early education, its importance, sources for the development of children’s from their early age in the classroom, highly traiatonining environment for educator’s, teachers, adults, directors, children’s as well for the creation of meaningful and positive early learning, a talk for learning. The paper has given priorities on linguistic and cultural educational development among children in the classroom. Teachers’, parents and family member’s communication for the better understand of each other’s’ and thus the children as well. The early childhood educational program needs to be flexible, children oriented, multiple children opportunities, bilingual nature, respect of home language, attitude, culture, norms, values and ethics. The educational program through language and literacy is philological concept; that can increase and appreciate through world of knowledge, word and vocabulary access, development among teachers, early educators, and children. The paper is a message about love of word, learning and literature. Education, training, development, learning are ongoing for all teacher’s and educator’s on the basis of executive function, emotion regulation, emotion modeling, emotion management, relational and interpersonal, talk for learning. It is a nature of good curriculum to maintain a good and successful classroom and for the implication of plan and curriculum of studies that can be rigorous and regulated and can be understood by the children’s, and teachers through their teachers’ training program. It is therefore a mandatory for all educators to gain some skills like self-regulation and talk for learning and teach children’s on the basis of their learning or training for their practical development such as in a diversified classroom where monolingual and bilingual children presents and teachers’ manages them, in this situation teacher education training on LSP(Special Language program) and LGP(General Language Program) are effective and demandable in the society and in the world for gaining knowledge of bilingualism, and education and to share glimpses of Philological concepts such as love of word, learning languages and literacy. The outcome of the paper is to exploration of teachers’ training program through learning of early childhood pedagogy and the importance of literature and thus to create an image of linguistic, artistic Philology, a philology that can be earned by the collection of words and vocabulary for art and language development and add to the early education program as a curriculum for child development. The question is; how does Philology integrate into education and its teachers’ instructional program? It is through learning and teaching and development for wellbeing. The development for wellbeing is through early childhood education. Once teachers’ are highly trained through literacy, they will teach their children in such a way in the classroom they learned from their curriculum. It is through the passion of learning and develop children. The future activities are to continuation of writing papers related to the concept of knowledge and literature and to share among communities for child development. It will also be an initiative among communities to share the concept of philology through words and vocabulary and to tell them how Philology exists in it and what Philology is.   

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 21-11-2019
  • Количество прочтений 220
  • Дата публикации 21-11-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы3-18

The purpose of this essay is to exploring and understanding of early education, its importance, sources for the development of children’s from their early age in the classroom, highly traiatonining environment for educator’s, teachers, adults, directors, children’s as well for the creation of meaningful and positive early learning, a talk for learning. The paper has given priorities on linguistic and cultural educational development among children in the classroom. Teachers’, parents and family member’s communication for the better understand of each other’s’ and thus the children as well. The early childhood educational program needs to be flexible, children oriented, multiple children opportunities, bilingual nature, respect of home language, attitude, culture, norms, values and ethics. The educational program through language and literacy is philological concept; that can increase and appreciate through world of knowledge, word and vocabulary access, development among teachers, early educators, and children. The paper is a message about love of word, learning and literature. Education, training, development, learning are ongoing for all teacher’s and educator’s on the basis of executive function, emotion regulation, emotion modeling, emotion management, relational and interpersonal, talk for learning. It is a nature of good curriculum to maintain a good and successful classroom and for the implication of plan and curriculum of studies that can be rigorous and regulated and can be understood by the children’s, and teachers through their teachers’ training program. It is therefore a mandatory for all educators to gain some skills like self-regulation and talk for learning and teach children’s on the basis of their learning or training for their practical development such as in a diversified classroom where monolingual and bilingual children presents and teachers’ manages them, in this situation teacher education training on LSP(Special Language program) and LGP(General Language Program) are effective and demandable in the society and in the world for gaining knowledge of bilingualism, and education and to share glimpses of Philological concepts such as love of word, learning languages and literacy. The outcome of the paper is to exploration of teachers’ training program through learning of early childhood pedagogy and the importance of literature and thus to create an image of linguistic, artistic Philology, a philology that can be earned by the collection of words and vocabulary for art and language development and add to the early education program as a curriculum for child development. The question is; how does Philology integrate into education and its teachers’ instructional program? It is through learning and teaching and development for wellbeing. The development for wellbeing is through early childhood education. Once teachers’ are highly trained through literacy, they will teach their children in such a way in the classroom they learned from their curriculum. It is through the passion of learning and develop children. The future activities are to continuation of writing papers related to the concept of knowledge and literature and to share among communities for child development. It will also be an initiative among communities to share the concept of philology through words and vocabulary and to tell them how Philology exists in it and what Philology is.   


Ushbu inshoning maqsadi boshlang’ich ta'lim, uning ahamiyati, sinfda bolalarning har tomonlama rivojlanishi uchun yuqori sifatli o’quv muhitni yaratish, mazmunli va muvaffaqiyatli tarzda tilni o'rgatish masalalari tahlil qilinadi. Ushbu insho sinfdagi bolalar o'rtasidagi lingvistik va madaniy ma'rifiy bilimini rivojlantirish bo'yicha ustuvorliklarni oldinga qo’yadi. O'qituvchilar, ota-onalar va oila a'zolarining o'zaro munosabatlari va bolalarni yanada yaxshiroq tushunishlari uchun muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar uchun ta'lim dasturi moslashuvchan, bolalar psihologiaysiga yo'naltirilgan, ikki tilli muhit, ona tiliga hurmat, munosabat, madaniyat, me'yorlar, qadriyatlar va axloq qoidalari tahlil qilinadi. Til va savodxonlik o’z ichiga olgan ta'lim dasturi - dunyo bilimlari, so’z boyligi, yosh o'qituvchilar va bolalar o'rtasidagi munosabatlarni rivojlantirish orqali o'sishga erisish mumkinligi ta’kidlanadi. So'zni, o'qishni, adabiyotni sevish mihumligi yoritiladi.

Ta'lim, o'qitish, rivojlanish va o'qituvchi uchun amaliyot tajribasi, hissiyotlarni boshqarish va modellashtirish, munosabatlarga oid va shaxslararo, o'qish uchun suhbat yoritiladi. Yaxshi va muvaffaqiyatli o'quv mashg'ulotlarini o'tkazish uchun o'quv dasturiga qat'iy amal qilish va ushbu o'quv dasturi orqali o'quv rejasini tuzish katta hamiyatga egadir. Shuning uchun barcha o'qituvchilar uchun o'z-o'zini nazorat qilish va bolalarning amaliy rivojlanishi uchun o'qish asosida ko'p qirrali va ikki tilli muhit, sinfxonada o'qish va so’zlashihsh kabi ko'nikmalarga ega bo'lish majburiy hisoblanadi. Bu vaziyatda LSP (Maxsus til dasturi) va LGP ​​(Umumiy Til Dasturi) bo'yicha o'qituvchilarni o'qitish jamiyat va dunyoda ikki tilli bilim va ta'lim olish hamda filologik tushunchalar bilan tanishish uchun samarali oqitish omillai bayon qilinadi. So'z boyligini oshirish, tillarni o'rganish va savodxonlik kabi nuqtai nazarlar ifoda etilgan.

Maqolaning natijasi o'qituvchilarning o'quv dasturi bo’yicha boshlang’ich ta’lim pedagogikasi va adabiyotning ahamiyatini o'rganish orqali va shu tariqa til, badiiy filologiya, filologiyaning imidjini yaratish va lug'atlar to'plamidan foydalanish imkoniyatiga ega bo’ladi. San'at va tilni rivojlantirish, bolalarni har tomonlama rivojlantirish uchun o'quv rejasini maktabgacha ta'lim dasturiga qo'shish maqsadga muvofiqdir. Savol: Qanday qilib filologiya ta'limini o'quv dasturiga kiritish mumkin?

Bu o'rganish va o'qitishda samaradorlikni rivojlantirish orqali amalga oshiriladi. Samaradorlikni rivojlantirish - bu boshlang’ich ta'lim asosidir. O'qituvchilar savodxonlik orqali yuqori malakaga ega bo'lganidan so'ng ular o'z o'quv dasturlariga muvofiq bolalarni sinfda maqsadli ravishda o'rgata oladilar. Bu bolalarni psihologyasini o'rganish va harakterini rivojlantirish ishtiyoqi bilan bog’liqdir. Kelgusi faoliyat bilim va adabiyot kontseptsiyasi bilan bog'liq ta’limni davom ettirish va bolalarning har tomonlama bilimini oshirish bo'yicha tadqiqotni o’z ichiga oladi. Jamiyatda filologiya tushunchasini so'zlar va lug'atlar orqali tanishtirish, filologiya mazmun va mohiyati yoritilib beriladi.


Цель этого исследование состоит в том, чтобы изучить и понять раннего образование, его важность, источники для развития детей с раннего возраста в классе, а также для создания значимое и позитивное раннее обучение, разговор для обучения. В статье определены приоритеты языкового и культурного развития образования детей в классе. Общение учителей, родителей и членов семьи для лучшего понимания друг друга и, следовательно, детей. Образовательная программа для детей младшего возраста должна быть гибкой, ориентированной на детей, иметь множество возможностей для детей, двуязычный характер, уважение родному языку, отношения, культуры, норм, ценностей и этики. Образовательная программа с помощью языка и литературы является филологической концепцией; это может увеличить и оценить в мире знаний, доступа к словам и словарным запасам, развития среди учителей, ранних педагогов и детей. Образование, обучение, развитие, обучение ведутся для всех учителей и преподавателей на основе исполнительной функции, регуляции эмоций, моделирования эмоций, управления эмоциями, реляционного и межличностного общения, разговора для обучения. Характер хорошей учебной программы заключается в поддержании хорошей и успешной учебной аудитории и в том, что касается плана и учебной программы, которые могут быть строгими и регламентированными и понятными для детей и учителей в рамках программы обучения их учителей. Поэтому для всех педагогов обязательно приобретать некоторые навыки, такие как саморегуляция, говорить для обучения и учить детей на основе их обучения или обучения для их практического развития, например, в многопрофильной классной комнате, где дети-моноязычные и двуязычные представляют и учителя управляет ими, в этой ситуации подготовка преподавателей по программам LSP (специальная языковая программа) и LGP (общая языковая программа) эффективна и востребована в обществе и мире для получения знаний о двуязычии и образовании, а также для обмена взглядами на филологические концепции, такие как любовь к слову, изучение языков и грамотность. Результатом работы является исследование программы подготовки учителей посредством изучения филологии раннего возраста и важности литературы, и, таким образом, создание образа лингвистической, художественной филологии, филологии, которая может быть получена путем сбора слов и словарного запаса для развитие искусства и языка и добавление к программе раннего образования в качестве учебного плана для развития ребенка. Вопрос в том; Как филология интегрируется в образование и в учебную программу его учителей? Это через обучение, преподавание и развитие для благополучия. Среди обучающихся будет также инициатива поделиться концепцией филологии через слова и словарный запас и рассказать им, как в ней существует филология и что такое филология.

Ключевые слова
Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Majumdar A.. Tadqiqotchi Kanada Antarktika institute
Название ссылки
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