Solutions of the obtained nonlinear differential equations of the machine unit are
presented using the Maple mathematical program, determining the dependencies of changes in the
parameters of the working body in the steady state as a function of the technological load on cotton
for different values of the eccentricity of the tension roller of the belt drive. The article presents the
changes in the angular velocities of the masses and torque on the engine shaft of the system as a
function of time, the dependence of the change in the amplitude of oscillations of the accelerator shaft
of the raw chamber and the amplitude of the motor load as a function of the resistance of raw cotton,
the dependence of the change in the unevenness coefficients of the rotating shafts of the machine unit
are shown as a function of the viscous friction coefficient of the elastic gear. By solving a system of
nonlinear and differential equations of the movement of a machine unit, the laws of motion of the
accelerator shaft and the rotor of the electric motor were determined. It was found that with increasing
load on the flap, the fluctuation range of the angular velocity of the accelerator roller increases, as
well as the fluctuation range of the torque on the motor shaft.
Solutions of the obtained nonlinear differential equations of the machine unit are
presented using the Maple mathematical program, determining the dependencies of changes in the
parameters of the working body in the steady state as a function of the technological load on cotton
for different values of the eccentricity of the tension roller of the belt drive. The article presents the
changes in the angular velocities of the masses and torque on the engine shaft of the system as a
function of time, the dependence of the change in the amplitude of oscillations of the accelerator shaft
of the raw chamber and the amplitude of the motor load as a function of the resistance of raw cotton,
the dependence of the change in the unevenness coefficients of the rotating shafts of the machine unit
are shown as a function of the viscous friction coefficient of the elastic gear. By solving a system of
nonlinear and differential equations of the movement of a machine unit, the laws of motion of the
accelerator shaft and the rotor of the electric motor were determined. It was found that with increasing
load on the flap, the fluctuation range of the angular velocity of the accelerator roller increases, as
well as the fluctuation range of the torque on the motor shaft.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Akhmedjanov Y.A. | Associate Professor | 1Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov |
№ | Название ссылки |
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