№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Shermukhamedov U.Z. | Professor | Tashkent State Transport University |
2 | Tayirov S.S. | Assistent | Tashkent State Transport University |
3 | Karimova A.B. | Assistent | Tashkent State Transport University |
4 | Kurbanov B.T. | Assistent | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1. Wai-Fah Chen, Lian Duan., Bridge Engineering Handbook Second Edition Seismic Design. – NY.:2014, 722p. |
2 | 2. Shermukhamedov U.Z., Kadyrova Sh.Sh., Asanova G.O. Методы защиты мостов от сейсмических воздействий // Periodical scientific collection on the materials of the XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Modern trends in the development of science and technology. Belgorod, 2017. - p. 20-23. |
3 | 3. Andrzejewski R.V., Verkholin V., Kuznetsova I.O., Smirnov V., Uzdin A.M. Pat. 2325475 Russian Federation, MPK E01D018/00. Earthquake-resistant bridge. / Applicant and patentee CJSC "Geomost". - 2005139580/03; avv. 27.06.2007, published 27.05.2008, Bulletin No. 15. - 11 p.: ill. |
4 | 4. Shermukhamedov U.Z. Gasing of longitudinal seismic oscillations of girder bridge supports with seismic-isolating supporting parts. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. - SPb.: 2010. – 190p. |
5 | 5. Eisenberg Y.M. Seismic zoning for building standards. Seismic Resistant Construction, No.6, 2000, p.40-43. |
6 | 6. Shermukhamedov U.Z. Longitudinal seismic oscillations dampening of beam bridge supports with seismic-isolating supporting parts. Monograph / Tashkent: Publishing house "Somplex Print", 2020. - 260 p. |
7 | 7. A.M. Uzdin, I.O. Kuznetsova. Seismic stability of bridges. Book. Palmarium Academic Publishing. 2014. - 456 p. |
8 | 8. Tkachenko S.S., Shulman S.A., Uzdin A.M., Kuznetsova I.O. Technical solutions of seismic protection devices of highway bridges // Seismic-resistant construction. - 1995. - Issue 2. - p.12-18. |
9 | 9. Dolgaya A.A., Indeykin A.V., Uzdin A.M. Theory of dissipative systems. SPb, PSUPS, 1999, 99 p. |
10 | 10. Skiner R.I., Robinson / W.H., McVerry G.H.. An introduction to seismic isolation. Ney Zeuland. John Wiley & Sons. - 1993. - 353p. |
11 | 11. Barr J. The seismic safety of bridges: A view from the design office // 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, UK. - 2002. - pp. 840-845. |
12 | 12. Belash T.A., Uzdin A.M. Railway buildings for the areas with special natural-climatic conditions and technogenic influences: Textbook for universities of railway transport. - M.: State Educational and Methodical Center for Education on Railway Transport, 2007. - 372 p. |
13 | 13. Uzdin A.M., Dolgaya A.A. Calculation of the elements and optimization of the parameters of the seismic isolating foundations. -M.: VNIINTPI, 1997. - 76 p. |