Bu tadqiqot ishida arab tilini o‘rganuvchilar va bu tilni o‘rgatuvchilar uchun arab tili aslida qanday til ekanligi haqida ma’lumot berilgan, shuningdek, unda bu tilning shakllanishida qaysi tillar yetakchilik qilgani, so‘zlashuvchilarning tillariga singib ketgan va ular tilining go‘zalligini buzadigan gibrid tilga aylangani haqida ham batafsil to‘xtalib o‘tilgan. Bundan tashqari, mazkur tadqiqot ishida arab tilini yuqori darajaga ko‘tarilishiga hissa qo‘shgan AlXalil ibn Ahmad, Sibaveyh, Al-Axfash al-Avsat, Al-Farra’ va AlMubarrad kabi grammatika sohasining birinchi avlodi bo‘lgan notiqlar ishlari ham ko‘rib chiqildi. Bu guruhga Ta’lab, Az-Zajjoj, As-Sarafi, Abu Ali Al-Forsiy, AlRrmmani kabi grammatika sohasi vakillari kiradi. Hozirgi zamonda arab tilini o‘rganishni xohlagan shaxslar avlodi uchun ushbu tadqiqot ishi ogohlantirish chaqiruvi bo‘ldi, desak yanglishmaymiz. Tadqiqotda arab tili oʻqituvchilaridan tilning sifat va goʻzalligini saqlagan holda bir necha guruhlar birlashib, hozirgi avlodni muloqotning barcha vositalari: vizual, audio va yozma orqali yetkaziladigan zararlardan himoya qilishdek ulkan masʼuliyatni oʻz zimmalariga olishlari talab qilinadi.
This research paper reminds those in charge of the Arabic languag development and those who teach it of what Arabic has devolved into, as a hybrid language that dominated their tongues, being broken in their mouths, and its aesthetics distorted. The study looked into the eloquent expression that was among the first generation of grammarians such as Al-Khalil bin Ahmed, Sibaweih, Al-Akhfash Al-Awsat, Al-Farra’ and Al-Mubarrad, who had elevated Arabic to what has reached us from them. While it was damaged by others, whose expression had dried up and became devoid of eloquence, their speech was afflicted by aridity and logic, and there was no eloquent expression in it. Among these grammarians are Tha'lab, Al-Zajjaj, Al-Serafi, Abu Ali Al-Farsi, and Al-Rrmmani. This research paper warned this generation, along with the efforts made among the dedicated people to Arabic in our modern era. The paper called for the preparation of the teacher of Arabic in a way commensurate with its characteristics and aesthetics and for several parties to rise and unite for this great task and save this generation from the harm caused by all means of communication: visual, audio and written.
Bu tadqiqot ishida arab tilini o‘rganuvchilar va bu tilni o‘rgatuvchilar uchun arab tili aslida qanday til ekanligi haqida ma’lumot berilgan, shuningdek, unda bu tilning shakllanishida qaysi tillar yetakchilik qilgani, so‘zlashuvchilarning tillariga singib ketgan va ular tilining go‘zalligini buzadigan gibrid tilga aylangani haqida ham batafsil to‘xtalib o‘tilgan. Bundan tashqari, mazkur tadqiqot ishida arab tilini yuqori darajaga ko‘tarilishiga hissa qo‘shgan AlXalil ibn Ahmad, Sibaveyh, Al-Axfash al-Avsat, Al-Farra’ va AlMubarrad kabi grammatika sohasining birinchi avlodi bo‘lgan notiqlar ishlari ham ko‘rib chiqildi. Bu guruhga Ta’lab, Az-Zajjoj, As-Sarafi, Abu Ali Al-Forsiy, AlRrmmani kabi grammatika sohasi vakillari kiradi. Hozirgi zamonda arab tilini o‘rganishni xohlagan shaxslar avlodi uchun ushbu tadqiqot ishi ogohlantirish chaqiruvi bo‘ldi, desak yanglishmaymiz. Tadqiqotda arab tili oʻqituvchilaridan tilning sifat va goʻzalligini saqlagan holda bir necha guruhlar birlashib, hozirgi avlodni muloqotning barcha vositalari: vizual, audio va yozma orqali yetkaziladigan zararlardan himoya qilishdek ulkan masʼuliyatni oʻz zimmalariga olishlari talab qilinadi.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | AlZubaidi A.. | O‘qituvchi Arab tili tarjima nazariyasi va amaliyoti kafedrasi | O‘zbekiston Davlat Jahon tillari Universiteti |
2 | AlZubaidi S.. | Professor Arab tili kafedrasi | Nizva universiteti |
№ | Название ссылки |
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