This paper explores the symbolic elements in John Fowles’ novel The Magus, focusing on how they contribute to the theme of initiation and personal transformation. Central symbols such as the labyrinth, masks, death and rebirth, the godgame, and the island of Phraxos are examined as metaphors for the psychological and emotional trials faced by the protagonist, Nicholas Urfe. These symbols highlight the non-linear nature of self-discovery, emphasizing that initiation requires disorientation, loss, and the stripping away of false identities. Death and rebirth signal moments of loss and renewal, illustrating that transformation demands the destruction of previous beliefs and relationships. The godgame symbolizes life’s unpredictability and the necessity of embracing ambiguity. Through these symbolic elements, The Magus suggests that initiation is not a single event but an ongoing process, requiring the individual to navigate uncertainty and transformation continually.
This paper explores the symbolic elements in John Fowles’ novel The Magus, focusing on how they contribute to the theme of initiation and personal transformation. Central symbols such as the labyrinth, masks, death and rebirth, the godgame, and the island of Phraxos are examined as metaphors for the psychological and emotional trials faced by the protagonist, Nicholas Urfe. These symbols highlight the non-linear nature of self-discovery, emphasizing that initiation requires disorientation, loss, and the stripping away of false identities. Death and rebirth signal moments of loss and renewal, illustrating that transformation demands the destruction of previous beliefs and relationships. The godgame symbolizes life’s unpredictability and the necessity of embracing ambiguity. Through these symbolic elements, The Magus suggests that initiation is not a single event but an ongoing process, requiring the individual to navigate uncertainty and transformation continually.
В данной статье исследуются символические элементы романа Джона Фаулза «Волхв», уделяя особое внимание тому, как они способствуют теме инициации и личной трансформации. Центральные символы, такие как лабиринт, маски, смерть и возрождение, игра богов и остров Фраксос, рассматриваются как метафоры психологических и эмоциональных испытаний, с которыми сталкивается главный герой Николас Урфе. Эти символы подчеркивают нелинейный характер самопознания, подчеркивая, что инициация требует дезориентации, потери и избавления от ложных личностей. Смерть и возрождение сигнализируют о моментах утраты и обновления, иллюстрируя, что трансформация требует разрушения предыдущих убеждений и отношений. Игра богов символизирует непредсказуемость жизни и необходимость принятия двусмысленности. Посредством этих символических элементов «Волхв» предполагает, что инициация — это не отдельное событие, а непрерывный процесс, требующий от человека постоянного преодоления неопределенности и трансформации.
Ushbu maqola Jon Faulzning “Afsungar” romanidagi ramziy elementlarni o‘rganib, ular tashabbus va shaxsiy o‘zgarish mavzusiga qanday hissa qo‘shishiga e’tibor qaratadi. Labirint, niqoblar, o‘lim va qayta tug‘ilish, xudo o‘yini va Phraxos oroli kabi markaziy ramzlar bosh qahramon Nikolay Urfe duch kelgan psixologik va hissiy sinovlar uchun metafora sifatida ko‘rib chiqiladi. Ushbu ramzlar o‘z-o‘zini kashf qilishning chiziqli bo‘lmagan xususiyatini ta'kidlab, boshlash uchun yo‘nalishni yo‘qotish, yolg‘on identifikatorlardan xalos bo‘lishni talab qilishini ta'kidlaydi. O‘lim va qayta tug‘ilish, yo‘qotish va yangilanish lahzalarini bildiradi, bu transformatsiya avvalgi e'tiqod va munosabatlarni yo‘q qilishni talab qilishini ko‘rsatadi. Xudo o‘yini hayotning oldindan aytib bo‘lmaydiganligini va noaniqlikni qabul qilish zarurligini anglatadi. Ushbu ramziy elementlar orqali “Afsungar” tashabbusni yagona hodisa emas, balki doimiy jarayon ekanligini va shaxsdan noaniqlik va o‘zgarishlarni doimiy ravishda boshqarishni talab qiladi.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Sodikova B.I. | The teacher of the department of foreign language and literature for higher courses | DTPI |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Sodikova B.I. Interpretation of “The Magus” as a story of initiation // Web of Scientists and Scholars: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ISSN: 2938-3811, 2024. – P. 1-8. |
2 | John Fowles and Nature: Fourteen Perspectives on Landscape. London: Associated U.P., University of South Carolina Press, 2006, p. 98 |
3 | Sodiqova B.I. Dj. Faulzning “Magus” romani tahlili // A. Qodiriy nomidagi Jizzax davlat pedagogika universiteti Xorijiy tillar fakulteti “Xorijiy fililogiya, adabiyotshunoslik va tarjimashunoslik masalalari” xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya. Jizzax, 2024-yil, 30-mart. B. 297-301. |
4 | Barnum, Carol M. The Fiction of John Fowles: A Myth for Our Time. Greenwood, FL: The Penkevill Publishing Company, 1988. – P. 63 |
5 | Sodikova, B. John Fowles as a writer of existentialistic and realistic literary trends, and his philosophical and psychological views. // Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2022(1), – P. 176-184. |
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