Addressing the category of literary spaceis a new approach to studying an artistic work in educational institutions. This article presents one of the possible ways of addressing the literary space in the analysis of the text through its artistic features and arrangement possibilities in the structure of the work. The image of the literary space provides the essence of the events and their logical sequence. It is created because of the objective and subjective approach of the writer. Based on objectivity, the image of the space expressed in the work represents a natural geographical area, a place, while subjectivity combines the literary space with the situations that occurr in the character’s mental world. In modern short novels, these two aspects will be combined mainly to expand the scope of the image of the work.
Addressing the category of literary spaceis a new approach to studying an artistic work in educational institutions. This article presents one of the possible ways of addressing the literary space in the analysis of the text through its artistic features and arrangement possibilities in the structure of the work. The image of the literary space provides the essence of the events and their logical sequence. It is created because of the objective and subjective approach of the writer. Based on objectivity, the image of the space expressed in the work represents a natural geographical area, a place, while subjectivity combines the literary space with the situations that occurr in the character’s mental world. In modern short novels, these two aspects will be combined mainly to expand the scope of the image of the work.
Обращение к категории пространства, то есть его анализ, станет новым подходом к изучению художественного произведения в образовательных учреждениях. В данной статье представлен один из возможных способов обращения к пространству при анализе текста через его художественные особенности и возможности расположения в структуре произведения. Образ художественного пространства передает суть событий и их логическую последовательность. Оно создано на основе объективного и субъективного подхода писателя. По принципу объективности образ пространства, выраженный в произведении, представляет собой природную географическую область, место, а субъективность соединяет художественное пространство с ситуациями, произошедшими в психическом мире героя. В современных произведениях преимущественно эти два аспекта сочетаются и расширяют рамки произведения.
Makon kategoriyasiga murojaat qilish, ya’ni uni tahlil qilish badiiy asarni o‘rganishda yangicha yondashuv hisoblanadi. Ushbu maqola matnning badiiy xususiyatlarini asar tarkibiy qismlarini tartibga solish imkoniyatlari orqali tahlil qilishda makonga murojaat qilishning samarali usullaridan birini taqdim etadi. Badiiy makon tasviri voqealarning mohiyatini va ularning mantiqiy ketmaketligini ta’minlaydi. Yozuvchining obyektiv va subyektiv yondashuvi asosida yaratiladi. Obyektivlik asosida asarda ifoda etilgan makon tasviri tabiiy geografik hudud, joyni bildirsa, subyektivlik badiiy makonni qahramon ruhiy olamida ro‘y bergan holatlar bilan uyg‘unlashtiradi. Zamonaviy qissalarda bu ikki jihat uzviylashgan holda asarning tasvir ko‘lamini kengaytirgan.
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1 | YAXYAYEVA N.I. | Tayanch doktorant (PhD) | Buxoro davlat universiteti |
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