In the article, it is stated that in the 21st century of globalization, increasing the role and significance of the principle of tolerance in the fate of the current world, and rising to the level of an incredibly unique cultural event and phenomenon in the life of society. It is emphasized that the Central Asian region is increasingly gaining its place in the world community and participates in socio-political and economic processes on an equal basis. In the article, it is proved that the representatives of indigenous peoples of the Central Asian region have been living side by side with the peoples of other nationalities and religions since ancient times, and tolerance among the peoples has become not only a need created by necessity, but a way of life. 

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 15-01-2025
  • Количество прочтений 56
  • Дата публикации 19-02-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы4-6

In the article, it is stated that in the 21st century of globalization, increasing the role and significance of the principle of tolerance in the fate of the current world, and rising to the level of an incredibly unique cultural event and phenomenon in the life of society. It is emphasized that the Central Asian region is increasingly gaining its place in the world community and participates in socio-political and economic processes on an equal basis. In the article, it is proved that the representatives of indigenous peoples of the Central Asian region have been living side by side with the peoples of other nationalities and religions since ancient times, and tolerance among the peoples has become not only a need created by necessity, but a way of life. 


Maqolada XXI globallashuv asrida bagʻrikenglik tamoyilining oʻrni va roli, hozirgi dunyo taqdiridagi ahamiyati oʻsib, jamiyat hayotida gʻoyat noyob madaniy hodisa, fenomen darajasiga koʻtarilganligi haqida fikr yuritilgan.  Markaziy Osiyo mintaqasi jahon hamjamiyatida tobora oʻzining oʻrniga ega boʻlib, ijtimoiy-siyosiy, iqtisodiy jarayonlarda teng huquqli asosda ishtirok etishi ta’kidlangan. Maqolada Markaziy Osiyo mintaqasining mahalliy millat vakillari qadimgi davrdan boshlab hozirgi kungacha oʻzga millat va din vakillari bilan yonma-yon yashab kelgan xalqlarda bagʻrikenglik faqat zarurat keltirib chiqargan ehtiyoj emas, balki hayot tarziga aylanganligi isbotlangan. 


В статье констатируется, что в XXI веке глобализации возрастает роль и значение принципа толерантности в судьбе современного мира, и он поднимается на уровень невероятно уникального культурного события и явления в мире жизнь общества. Подчеркивается, что Центральноазиатский регион все больше завоевывает свое место в мировом сообществе и участвует в общественно-политических и экономических процессах на равноправной основе. В статье доказывается, что представители коренных народов Центральноазиатского региона издревле жили бок о бок с народами других национальностей и религий, а толерантность среди народов стала не просто необходимостью, порожденной необходимостью, а образ жизни. 

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 ALIMARDONOV O.. dotsent O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti
Название ссылки
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