Significant cultural and economic hubs of their respective nations, shakhrisabz city in Kashkadarya region, the people of Shakhrisabz have a comparable linguistic situation. The study's objective is to examine the language and extralinguistic strategies employed in the educational and cultural domains to generate ergonyms. Semantic groups, grammatical structures, language choice, and sources of precedent serve as primary criteria for analysis
Significant cultural and economic hubs of their respective nations, shakhrisabz city in Kashkadarya region, the people of Shakhrisabz have a comparable linguistic situation. The study's objective is to examine the language and extralinguistic strategies employed in the educational and cultural domains to generate ergonyms. Semantic groups, grammatical structures, language choice, and sources of precedent serve as primary criteria for analysis
O‘z xalqlarining muhim madaniy va iqtisodiy markazlari Qashqadaryo viloyatining Shahrisabz shahri, Shahrisabz aholisining lisoniy holati o‘xshash. Tadqiqotning maqsadi ergonimlarni yaratish uchun ta'lim va madaniyat sohalarida qo‘llaniladigan lingvistik va ekstralingvistik strategiyalarni o‘rganishdir. Semantik guruhlar, grammatik tuzilmalar, til tanlovi va pretsedent manbalar tahlil uchun asosiy mezon bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.
Важные культурные и экономические центры своих народов, город Шахрисабз в Кашкадарьинской области, жители Шахрисабза имеют сопоставимую языковую ситуацию. Цель исследования - изучить языковые и экстралингвистические стратегии, используемые в образовательной и культурной сферах для создания эргонимов. Семантические группы, грамматические конструкции, выбор языка и источники прецедентов служат первичными критериями анализа.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | ABDURAKHMONOV M.. | senior teacher | Shakhrisabz state pedagogical institute |
2 | VOKHIDOV A.. | teacher | An English teacher at School N-3 in Kitab |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Gorter, D. (ed.) (2006). Linguistic Landscape: A New Approach to Multilingualism. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. |
2 | Landry, R., & Bourhis, R. Y. (1997). Linguistic Landscape and Ethnolinguistic Vitality. Empirical Study. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 16 (1), 23–49. |
3 | Trifonova, E. A.] (2006) [Names of business object: semantics, pragmatics, poetics: Materials of Russians and English ergonyms]. Volgograd: Prorector |