This article explores the distinctive features of academic prose compared to other genres. It delves into the defining characteristics that set academic writing apart, emphasizing its formal structure, objective tone, and reliance on evidence-based arguments. By examining the conventions and expectations of academic prose, the article sheds light on why it is a crucial component of scholarly communication and discourse. Through analyzing examples and discussing key differences, readers can gain insight into the unique qualities that distinguish academic prose from other forms of writing. This exploration contributes to a deeper understanding of the role and significance of genre in scholarly endeavors.
This article explores the distinctive features of academic prose compared to other genres. It delves into the defining characteristics that set academic writing apart, emphasizing its formal structure, objective tone, and reliance on evidence-based arguments. By examining the conventions and expectations of academic prose, the article sheds light on why it is a crucial component of scholarly communication and discourse. Through analyzing examples and discussing key differences, readers can gain insight into the unique qualities that distinguish academic prose from other forms of writing. This exploration contributes to a deeper understanding of the role and significance of genre in scholarly endeavors.
Ushbu maqolada akademik nasrning boshqa janrlarga nisbatan o’ziga xos xususiyatlari tadqiq qilinadi. Unda akademik uslubning xususiyatlari, uning rasmiy tuzilishini, xolis ohangi va dalilga asoslangan holda muzokaralarni olib borishini tubdan o’rganadi. Maqola akademik nasrning talablari va istiqboli tadqiq etish oraqali ilmiy muloqot uslubi va nutqning muhim xususiyatlarining tarkibiy qismilariga oydinlik kiritadi. Misollarni tahlil qilish va asosiy farqlarni borasida muzokaralar olib boorish orqali o’quvchilar akademik nasrni boshqa nasr shakllaridan ajratib turadigan noyob taraflari haqida tushunchaga ega bo’lishlari mumkin. Ushbu tadqiqot akademik janrning ilmiy ishlardagi o’rni va ahamiyatini chuqurroq tushunishga yordam beradi.
Этот статья исследует характерные особенности академической прозы по сравнению с другими жанрами. Она вдается в определение черт, которые отличают академическое письмо, подчеркивая его формальную структуру, объективный тон и основанную на доказательствах аргументацию. Исследуя общепринятые правила и ожидания академической прозы, статья проясняет, почему она является важным компонентом научного общения и дискурса. Анализируя примеры и обсуждая основные различия, читатели получают понимание уникальных качеств, которые отличают академическую прозу от других форм письма. Это исследование способствует более глубокому пониманию роли и значения жанра в научной деятельности.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | ABDURASHIDOVA D.. | Applied Sciences | The Department of foreign languages and literature Tashkent University of Applied Sciences |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Academic writing: Features of academic writing. (n.d.). UEFAP Retrieved from: |
2 | Bourdieu, P., Passeron, J-C., and Saint Martin, M. (1994). Academic discourse: Linguistic misunderstanding and professorial power. Polity |
3 | Charles, B. (2012). Academic Writing, Genre, and Indexicality: Evidence, Intertext, and Theory. Research Gate |
4 | David, R. E. (2007). Important Features of Academic Research Papers in English. J Nurs Studies N C N J 6(1). pp.61-68 |
5 | Dominador, L. P. (2017). Feature Style for Academic and Scholarly Writing. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(2), 35-41. Doi: 10.1515/ajis-2017-0004 |
6 | Genres of Academic Writing: Overview of Genres of Academic Writing. (n.d.). Professionalwritingbay Retrieved from: |
7 | Hasa. (2019). Differences between academic writing and non-academic writing, Compare the Differences between similar terms. |