This article provides notion about teaching political discourse as well as consideration of political culture reffering to the formal language which used in government, the public communication techniques from professional politicians who employ to gain and maintain power of speeches are given.
This article provides notion about teaching political discourse as well as consideration of political culture reffering to the formal language which used in government, the public communication techniques from professional politicians who employ to gain and maintain power of speeches are given.
Ushbu maqola siyosiy nutqni oʻrgatish haqida tushuncha bergan, shuningdek, hukumatda qoʻllaniladigan rasmiy til bilan bogʻliq siyosiy madaniyatni koʻrib chiqqan ya’ni nutq kuchini qozonish va saqlab qolish uchun ishlatiladigan professional siyosatchilarning ommaviy aloqa usullarini yaqqol misollar keltirgan.
В этой статье дается представление о преподавании политического дискурса, а также рассматривается политическая культура, связанная с официальным языком, который используется в правительстве, приводятся методы публичной коммуникации профессиональных политиков, которые используются для завоевания и поддержания силы речи.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | ABDULLAYEVA N.. | docent | Department of Foreign Languages Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies |
№ | Название ссылки |
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