This article offers a general overview of the major issues in medical lexicon and terminology. It also discusses certain characteristic features of medical language: terminology, including eponyms and multi-word terms, affixation, word compounding, the doublet phenomenon, polysemy and synonymy. Translating for lay-readers and professional audiences is the next issue presented in this article. Considerable attention is devoted to problems in translating medical texts, and other issues, such as qualifications of medical translators, verification and review.
This article offers a general overview of the major issues in medical lexicon and terminology. It also discusses certain characteristic features of medical language: terminology, including eponyms and multi-word terms, affixation, word compounding, the doublet phenomenon, polysemy and synonymy. Translating for lay-readers and professional audiences is the next issue presented in this article. Considerable attention is devoted to problems in translating medical texts, and other issues, such as qualifications of medical translators, verification and review.
Ushbu maqolada tibbiy lug'at va terminologiyaning asosiy masalalari haqida umumiy ma'lumot berilgan. Shuningdek, u tibbiyot tilining baʼzi muhim jihatlari: atamashunoslik, jumladan, eponim va koʻp soʻzli atamalar, affiksatsiya, birikma, dublet hodisasi, polisemiya va sinonimiya haqida gapiradi. Ushbu maqolada keltirilgan navbatdagi masala oddiy va professional auditoriya uchun tarjimadir. Tibbiyot matnlarini tarjima qilish muammolari va tibbiy tarjimonlarning malakasi, tekshirish va ko'rib chiqish kabi boshqa masalalarga katta e'tibor qaratilmoqda.
В этой статье представлен общий обзор основных проблем медицинской лексики и терминологии. В ней также обсуждаются некоторые характерные черты медицинского языка: терминология, включая эпонимы и термины из нескольких слов, аффиксация, составление слов, феномен дублета, полисемия и синонимия. Следующим вопросом, представленным в этой статье, является перевод для непрофессионалов и профессиональной аудитории. Значительное внимание уделяется проблемам перевода медицинских текстов и другим вопросам, таким как квалификация медицинских переводчиков, проверка и рецензирование.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | ABDURAHMONOV Y.. | PhD student | Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Arnold I.V. The English Word. Moscow, 1990. |
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3 | Gotti M., Salager-Meyer F. (eds), 2006 Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis: Oral and Written Contexts. Peter Lang. |
4 | Montalt V.R., González-Davies M., 2007. Medical Translation Step by Step, Manchester, UK & Kinderhook (NY), USA: St. Jerome Publishing. |
5 | Pöchhancker F., Shlesinger M. (eds.), 2007 Healthcare Interpreting: Discourse and In teraction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. |
6 | “Theory and practice of translation” – M.T. Iriskulov, N.M. Kambarov, K.D. Tukhtaeva. Tashkent – 2020. |
7 | “Translation of Terminology” – I.M. Tuxtasinov, G.P Kurbanazarova, S.N. Sultanova – “Yangi asr avlodi” – Toshkent – 2020 |