Abstract. The article evaluates the dynamics of electrification of motor transport in Tashkent. Possible problems of
electrification development are studied, energy indicators of electric transport are investigated in comparison with traditional
internal combustion engines. The forecast of the electrification process up to 2027, as well as changes in the environmental
indicators of the atmospheric air of the city with the increase in the number of electrified vehicles is made. It is revealed
that with the growth of electrification of transport it is possible to reach health hazardous concentrations of solid particles
in the atmospheric air of Tashkent city.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 31-01-2025
  • Количество прочтений 53
  • Дата публикации 26-12-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы94-97

Annotatsiya. Maqolada Toshkent shahridagi avtotransport vositalarini elektrlashtirish jarayoni dinamikasi baholandi.
Elektrlashtirishni rivojlantirishning mumkin bo’lgan muammolari hamda elektr transportining energiya ko’rsatkichlari
an’anaviy ichki yonish dvigatellariga nisbatan o’rganildi. 2027-yilgacha elektrlashtirish jarayoni, shuningdek,
elektrlashtirilgan avtotransport miqdori ko’payishi bilan shahar atmosfera havosining ekologik ko’rsatkichlari o’zgarishi
prognoz qilindi. Transportni elektrlashtirishning kuchayishi bilan Toshkent shahrining atmosfera havosida sog’liq uchun
xavfli bo’lgan qattiq zarrachalar kontsentratsiyasiga erishish mumkinligi aniqlandi


Аннотация. В статье произведена оценка динамики процесса электрификации автотранспорта г. Ташкента.
Изучены возможные проблемы развития электрификации, исследованы энергетические показатели электро-
транспорта сравнительно с традиционными ДВС. Сделан прогноз процесса электрификации до 2027 года, а
также изменения экологических показателей атмосферного воздуха города при увеличении количества электри-
фицированного автотранспорта. Выявлено, что с ростом электрификации транспорта возможно достижение
опасных для здоровья концентраций твердых частиц в атмосферном воздухе города Ташкента


Abstract. The article evaluates the dynamics of electrification of motor transport in Tashkent. Possible problems of
electrification development are studied, energy indicators of electric transport are investigated in comparison with traditional
internal combustion engines. The forecast of the electrification process up to 2027, as well as changes in the environmental
indicators of the atmospheric air of the city with the increase in the number of electrified vehicles is made. It is revealed
that with the growth of electrification of transport it is possible to reach health hazardous concentrations of solid particles
in the atmospheric air of Tashkent city.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Radkevich M.G. texnika fanlari doktori, professor, Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xoʻjaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti” Milliy tadqiqot unversiteti
2 Gapirov A.D. texnika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Toshkent davlat transport universiteti
3 Pochujevkiy O.D. texnika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Krivoy Rog Milliy universiteti.
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