This scientific article, discusses the essence of information and  communication technologies in the educational process, its role in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The general didactics of using ICT in the lessons of a foreign language is revealed. In addition, didactic tasks, conditions, components and properties of information and  communication technologies in foreign language lessons were analyzed.

  • Количество прочтений 326
  • Дата публикации 05-04-2018
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы184-192

Ушбу  мақолада  таълим  жараёнида  ахборот-коммуникация  технологияларини қўллашнинг мазмун ва мохияти кўриб чиқилган. Шу билан бирга, чет тили дарсларида АКТ ни қўллашниг дидактик тамойиллари ёритиб берилган. Мақолада АКТнинг дидактик вазифалари,  шароитлари,  компонентлари  ва  хусусиятлари  таҳлил  қилинганлиги  аҳамиятлидир.


В статье рассмотрена сущность информационно-коммуникационных технологий  в образовательном процессе, их роль на уроках русского языка как иностранного. Раскрыта общая  дидактика  использования  ИКТ  на  уроках  иностранного  языка,  также проанализированы  дидактические  задачи,  условия,  компоненты  и  свойства информационно-коммуникационных технологий на уроках иностранного языка.


This scientific article, discusses the essence of information and  communication technologies in the educational process, its role in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The general didactics of using ICT in the lessons of a foreign language is revealed. In addition, didactic tasks, conditions, components and properties of information and  communication technologies in foreign language lessons were analyzed.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 RAKHMONOV A.B. докторант (PhD) Ўзбекистон Давлат жаҳон тиллари университети
Название ссылки
1 1. Asimov E.G. Theory and Practice of Using Computer Programs in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. –Light, 2000. – 149 p.
2 2. Chibukhashvili V.A. Possibilities of Using Computer Technologies in the Russian Language Lessons in a Small Rural School - http://www.mgopu.ru/Journal/05_chibushvili.htm
3 3. Gershunsky BS The Philosophy of Education of the XXI Century (in search of practicaloriented educational concepts). - M .: Vlados, 1997. – 214 p.
4 4. Prokolienko L.N. Methodological Problems of Computer Use in Teaching // Computer in Teaching: Psychological and Pedagogical Problems (round table) // http://www.voppsy.ru/issues/1986/866/866042.htm
5 5. Apatova N.V. Information Technologies in School Education. – Moscow: Education, 1994. – 189 p.
6 6. A.Gartsov. Actual Questions of Computer Lingua-didactics // Computer Lingua-didactics: Theory and Practice: A Course of Lectures / Ed. A.D.Gartsov. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia, 2006, – 211 p.
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