The article presents materials on the impact of the use of mineral fertilizers and various norms of manure on the nitrogen balance in the short-rotational rotation “cotton-winter wheat”. It is shown that when using only mineral fertilizers, the nitrogen balance is formed with a deficit. When using manure at a rate of 10 t / ha in combination with mineral fertilizers, there is a deficient nitrogen balance. With an increase in the manure rate to 20 t / ha and its combination with mineral fertilizers, a positive nitrogen balance in the “soil-fertilizer-plant” system is ensured.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | BAIROV A.I. | бўлим мудири | Тупроқшунослик ва агрокимё илмий-тадқиқот институти |
2 | Nuriddinova X.. | кичик илмий ходим |
№ | Название ссылки |
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3 | 3. Орлов Д.С., Лозановская И.Н. Азот почвы: стратегия и тактика. Ж. Химия и Жизнь. – Москва, 1982. – №3. – С. 27-30. |
4 | 4.J.M. Terres, P. Campling, S. Vandewall, J. Van Orshoven. Calculation of Agricultural Nitrogen Quantity for EU River Basins. Final Report: EUR 20256 EN. EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE GENERAL JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE – ISPRA. Institute for Environment & Sustainability Land Management. Framework contract: 17408-2000-12 F3ED ISP BE on the provision of expertise in the field of Agri-Environment. Spatial Application Division. KU Leuven Research& Development. 2010-03-29. p. 5. |