Мақолада амигдалиннинг сирка ангидрид билан реакцияси ўрганилган, шунингдек, синтез қилинган янги бирикманинг айрим физик-кимёвий кўрсаткичлари, тузилиши хақида маълумотлар келтирилган. Амигдалиннинг сирка ангидрид билан синтезини амалга ошириш учун квант-кимёвий ҳисоблашлар натижасида бирикмаларнинг тўла энергия қийматлари  Gaussian view 5.0 дастурида эритувчиларни ҳисобга олган ҳолда ҳисоблаб чиқилган. Амигдалиннинг кимёвий хоссалари тўғрисидаги илмий тадқиқот ишлари қисқача ёритилган.


  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 13-12-2019
  • Количество прочтений 771
  • Дата публикации 09-09-2019
  • Язык статьиO'zbek
  • Страницы13-21

Мақолада амигдалиннинг сирка ангидрид билан реакцияси ўрганилган, шунингдек, синтез қилинган янги бирикманинг айрим физик-кимёвий кўрсаткичлари, тузилиши хақида маълумотлар келтирилган. Амигдалиннинг сирка ангидрид билан синтезини амалга ошириш учун квант-кимёвий ҳисоблашлар натижасида бирикмаларнинг тўла энергия қийматлари  Gaussian view 5.0 дастурида эритувчиларни ҳисобга олган ҳолда ҳисоблаб чиқилган. Амигдалиннинг кимёвий хоссалари тўғрисидаги илмий тадқиқот ишлари қисқача ёритилган.



В статье изложены данные об изучении реакции амигдалина с уксусным ангидридом, приведены сведения о физико-химических показателях, строении синтезированного нового соединения. Для проведения реакции амигдалина с уксусным ангидридом полные значения энергии полученных соединений рассчитаны при помощи программы Gaussian view 5.0 с учетом растворителей. Кроме этого, кратко раскрыты научно-исследовательские работы о химических свойствах амигдалина.



This article presents data on the study of the reaction of amygdalin with acetic anhydride and provides with the information about the physical and chemical parameters, the structure of the synthesized new compound.

For the reaction of amygdalin with acetic anhydride, the total energy values of the obtained compounds were calculated using the Gaussian view 5.0 program, taking into account solvents. Besides chemical properties of amygdalin have been disclosed.

Experimental section

It can be seen from the reactions that amygdalin is hydrolyzed in an acidic and enzymatic medium. We have achieved the interaction of amygdalin with acetic anhydride to obtain its ester.

As a result of quantum chemical calculations for the synthesis of amygdalin with acetic anhydride, the total energy values of the compounds were calculated in the gas phase by the Hartree-Fock method on the Gaussian 98 program. In addition, the electronic structure of the molecule of each reagent is determined, the distribution of the electron density of atoms and geometric values, the bond length, the dipole moment, the bond angle and the torsion angles are calculated with high accuracy. The results obtained completely coincide with the parameters given in the literature. The reactivity of each atom is determined on the basis of the electronic structure of the molecule. On the basis of the obtained results, the relative derivatives of the reaction are calculated, from the theoretical point of view, the high yields of the synthesized compounds are justified.

The laboratory "Chemistry of goods" of Andijan state University. A new method of isolation of amygdalin from bitter almonds have been developed.

In the composition of bitter almonds has up to 2-4% amygdalin. For isolation from bitter almonds amygdalin 100 gr peeled and crusted almonds in a mortar is well crushed and degreased on the soxlet apparatus. After degreasing, almonds are placed in a flask equipped with a reverse refrigerator. Pour 100 ml of 96 % ethyl alcohol into a flask and boil for 30 minutes. After heating, the extract is filtered and evaporated in vacuum to a small amount of residue. After that, amygdalin is deposited in an ice bath. The resulting white crystals of amygdalin are washed with a small amount of diethyl ether, placed in a drying Cabinet for drying. The IR spectrum of the isolated amygdalin coincided with the data of the literature.

500 g of amygdalin mixed with 150 mg of dehydrated sodium acetate. The mixture was placed in a round-bottomed flask of 25 ml and 0.2 ml of acetic anhydride was poured. A reverse refrigerator with calcium chloride was installed in the flask. The mixture in the flask with constant stirring for 3 hours was heated at a temperature of 85 0C in a water bath. After the reaction, the mixture is poured into a glass with 20 ml of water and ice. The resulting white jelly was mixed with a glass stick and left for 2 hours for hydrolysis of unreacted acetic anhydride. The white jelly was filtered and recrystallized in ethyl alcohol.


The structure of the synthesized compounds was studied by IR and mass spectroscopy. When analyzing this compound using IR spectroscopy, it was determined that at 1714 cm-1, a complex-ether bond was observed, at 3618 cm-1, a deformation oscillation of the OH group was observed, and at 682 cm-1, the presence of a monosubstituted benzene ring. This synthesized compound was analyzed by mass spectroscopy. At 413 m/z, 450 m/z peaks of functionall groups are observed.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Askarov I.R. professor Andijon davlat universiteti
Название ссылки
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