Мақолада металлоценларнинг синтез қилиниши, ферроценнинг кашф этилиши, ацетилферроценнинг синтез қилиниши, ацетилферроценнинг такомиллаштирилган синтез усули, унинг айрим физик-кимёвий кўрсаткичлари, ферроценкарбон кислотасининг янги синтез усули ишлаб чиқилганлиги, ферроценкарбон кислота учун квант-кимёвий ҳисоблаш натижалари, 1`-(п-оксифенил)ферроценкарбон кислота синтези, кислоталарнинг сувда эрувчан ҳосилалари синтези ҳамда уларга ТИФ ТН бўйича тегишли код рақамлари бериш ҳақида баён қилинган.
Мақолада металлоценларнинг синтез қилиниши, ферроценнинг кашф этилиши, ацетилферроценнинг синтез қилиниши, ацетилферроценнинг такомиллаштирилган синтез усули, унинг айрим физик-кимёвий кўрсаткичлари, ферроценкарбон кислотасининг янги синтез усули ишлаб чиқилганлиги, ферроценкарбон кислота учун квант-кимёвий ҳисоблаш натижалари, 1`-(п-оксифенил)ферроценкарбон кислота синтези, кислоталарнинг сувда эрувчан ҳосилалари синтези ҳамда уларга ТИФ ТН бўйича тегишли код рақамлари бериш ҳақида баён қилинган.
В статье излагается синтез металлоценов и открытие ферроцена, реакционная способность ферроцена, синтез ацетилферроцена, усовершенствованный способ синтеза ацетилферроцена и его некоторые физико-химические свойства, сообщается о разработке нового способа синтеза ферроценкарбоновой кислоты, результаты квантово-химических расчетов для ферроценкарбоновой кислоты, о синтезе 1`-(п-оксифенил)-ферроценкарбоновой кислоты, способах получения водоростворимых солей данных кислот и их свойствах, о присвоении товарных кодов по ТН ВЭД.
Since ferrocene is considered to be a non-benzoid aromatic system with a sandwich structure containing a metal atom, it easily enters the exchange reaction along cyclopentadienyl rings. In this case, homo- or heteroannular compounds may be formed.
One of the most important derivatives of ferrocene is acetylferrocene. Acetylferrocene is obtained mainly by acetylation of ferrocene with acetyl chloride or acetic anhydride in the presence of such catalysts as aluminum chloride, tin (II) chloride, orthophosphoric acid.
In this work, the method of acetylation of ferrocene with acetic anhydride is improved and an increase in the product yield by 5% is achieved.
Despite the fact that numerous studies have been carried out in the field of synthesis of ferrocene derivatives and comprehensive study, and these compounds have found wide application in medicine, agriculture and other fields, a significant part of the new ferrocene compounds have not been introduced into specific industries yet or insufficiently explored.
One of these compounds is ferrocencarboxylic acid, the structure and physicochemical properties of which are well studied and a number of its derivatives have been synthesized. At the same time, its water-soluble derivatives have not practically been investigated yet.
In order to expand the field of application of ferrocene carboxylic acid, a number of studies have been carried out on the synthesis and determination of the physiological activity of its new derivatives. To achieve this goal, namely, to obtain a derivative of ferrocenocarboxylic acid with p-aminophenol, their salts with biologically significant metals, an improved method of producing ferrocenecarboxylic acid by oxidation of acetylferrocene with sodium hypobromite was first developed.
The structure of the initial acetylferrocene and ferrocenecarboxylic acid was studied using IR spectroscopy, the obtained data were compared with the data of quantum-chemical calculations.
Due to the poor solubility of ferrocene carboxylic acid in water, the preparation of its soluble derivatives is of considerable interest. Therefore, we obtained highly soluble lithium, sodium and potassium salts of ferrocenecarboxylic acid. 1`-(p-hydroxyphenyl) ferrocene carboxylic acid was obtained by diazotization of p-aminophenol and the effect of solvents on the product yield was studied. Thus, the highest yields are obtained using diethyl ether and ethyl acetate as the solvent.
As in the previous case, salts with lithium, sodium and potassium were obtained for 1`-(p-hydroxyphenyl) ferrocenecarboxylic acid.
As a result of the carried out work, water-soluble salts of ferrocene carboxylic acid were obtained, its aromatic derivative was synthesized, properties were studied using physicochemical methods, bio-stimulating properties and the significance of new compounds were studied.
New derived derivatives of ferrocene carboxylic acid are classified on the basis of chemical composition, recommendations are given on the assignment of commodity codes to these compounds, as growth substances for group 38 of the product range of foreign economic activity.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Tolakov N.Q. | katta o'qituvchi | Andijon davlat universiteti |
№ | Название ссылки |
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