In the article showed that in different period of the history Russian played origin role for Azerbaijani and his dialects. It was one of the main sources for to rich Azerbaijani.
Especially during the XIX-XX centuries some part of the units entered to the vocabulary of Nakhchivan dialects and accents c a n 't kept themselves in the lexicon of the accents.
They c a n 't get citizenship right.But during alittle period they are active in oral speech and all of them have to comply to the rules of that accent. Such words are accepted as
barbarism. Some borrowings entered the vocabulary of the dialects and accents and used as the parallel of the national words. As Nakhchivan is situated far from Russia for his
territory, Russian education establishments and Russian speaking people are few here the Russian words couldn't entered the vocabulary of the dialects and accents of the
region more. Majority of the words we met here are new words. They entered the vocabulary of the Nakhchivan dialects and accents through the literary language.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 04-02-2020
  • Количество прочтений 226
  • Дата публикации 21-12-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы22-27

In the article showed that in different period of the history Russian played origin role for Azerbaijani and his dialects. It was one of the main sources for to rich Azerbaijani.
Especially during the XIX-XX centuries some part of the units entered to the vocabulary of Nakhchivan dialects and accents c a n 't kept themselves in the lexicon of the accents.
They c a n 't get citizenship right.But during alittle period they are active in oral speech and all of them have to comply to the rules of that accent. Such words are accepted as
barbarism. Some borrowings entered the vocabulary of the dialects and accents and used as the parallel of the national words. As Nakhchivan is situated far from Russia for his
territory, Russian education establishments and Russian speaking people are few here the Russian words couldn't entered the vocabulary of the dialects and accents of the
region more. Majority of the words we met here are new words. They entered the vocabulary of the Nakhchivan dialects and accents through the literary language.


В статье показано, что в разное время истории русский язык играл роль происхождения для азербайджанского языка и его диалектов. Это был один из
основных источников для обогащение азербайджанского языка. Особенно в течение XIX-XX веков какая-то часть единиц, входящих в словарь нахчыванских диалектов
и говоров, не могла оставаться в лексиконе говоров. Они не могут получить гражданство. Но в течение небольшого периода они активны в устной речи, и все
они должны соблюдать правила этого диалекта. Такие слова принимаются как варваризмы. Некоторые заимствования вошли в словарь диалектов и говоров и
использовались как параллель национальных слов. Поскольку Нахчыван расположен далеко от России на своей территории, русские учебные заведения
и русскоязычные люди здесь мало, русские слова больше не могли войти в словарь диалектов и говоров региона. Большинство слов, которые мы встретили
здесь - это новые слова. Они вошли в словарь нахчыванских диалектов и говоров через литературный язык.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Aliyeva N.Y. Nakhchivan Department of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Название ссылки
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2 2.Фасмер, Max. 1987. Этимологический словарь русского языка. В четырех томах. Т.3 (Муза-Сять). Перевод О.Н.Трубачева. Москва: Прогресс.
3 3.Hasanov Hasrat. 2005. The lexicon of modern Azerbaijani language (textbook for high school students). Baku: Nurlan.
4 4.Исакова A. 2016. Русские заимствования в словаре диалектов Сибирских татар Д.Г.Тумашевой / / Вестник Томского Государственного Университета, 413, Томск, 34-37.
5 5.Kurbanov Afat. 2010. Contemporary Azerbaijani literary language. 2 volumes. I vol. Baku: Science and Education.
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7 7.Словарь русского языка XI-XVII вв. (1982). Вып. 9 (М). Москва: Наука.
8 8.Shiraliev Mammadaga. 2008. Basics of Azerbaijan dialectology. Baku: East-West.
9 9.Zeynalov Museyib. 1982. Welfare lexicon in Nakhchivan dialects and accents of Azerbaijan languages, Baku.
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