Currently 13 species of the considered genus parasitizing the abomasums of
ungulate animals have been recorded. The ungulates of the family of Cervidae (1) Antilocapridae
(1), Giraffidae (1), Bovidae (12) and Camelidae (2) were recorded as definitive hosts of this parasite.
Individual populations of the Haemonchus species were recorded in Asia, Europe, America, Africa
and Australia. Sex ratio in Haemonchus contortus between females and males is 1:5. One female
lays from 150 to 10.000 eggs per day.
Currently 13 species of the considered genus parasitizing the abomasums of
ungulate animals have been recorded. The ungulates of the family of Cervidae (1) Antilocapridae
(1), Giraffidae (1), Bovidae (12) and Camelidae (2) were recorded as definitive hosts of this parasite.
Individual populations of the Haemonchus species were recorded in Asia, Europe, America, Africa
and Australia. Sex ratio in Haemonchus contortus between females and males is 1:5. One female
lays from 150 to 10.000 eggs per day.
В настоящее время зарегистрировано 13 видов рассматриваемого
рода, паразитирующих на сычуге копытных животных. Копытные семейства Cervidae
(1) Antilocapridae (1), Giraffidae (1), Bovidae (12) и Camelidae (2) были зарегистрированы в
качестве окончательных хозяев этого паразита. Отдельные популяции видов Haemonchus
были зарегистрированы в Азии, Европе, Америке, Африке и Австралии. Соотношение
полов у Haemonchus contortus между самка и самец составляет 1: 5. Одна самка
откладывает от 150 до 10.000 яиц в день
Ҳозирги вақтда туёқли ҳайвонларининг ширдони паразитлари
ҳисобланган ўрганилаётган авлоднинг 13 тури қайд этилган. Туёқли ҳайвонларнинг
Cervidae (1) Antilocapridae (1), Giraffidae (1), Bovidae (12) ва Camelidae (2) оиласининг
вакиллари ушбу паразитнинг асосий хўжайини сифатида қайд этилган. Haemonchus
авлоди турларининг индивидуал популяциялари Осиё, Европа, Америка, Африка ва
Австралияда қайд этилган. Haemonchus contortus нинг урғочи ва эркакларнинг жинс
нисбати 1:5 ни ташкил қилади. Бир урғочи индивид кунига 150 дан 10 000 тагача тухум
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Abramatov M.B. | Termez State University, teacher | |
2 | Kuchboev A.E. | Termez State University | |
3 | Allanazarov O.Y. | Termez State University |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Abramatov M.B., Kuchboev A.E., Golovanov V.I. Parasitocenoses abomasums sheep terrestrial cenoses Uzbekistan // Uzbek biological journal. - Tashkent, 2010. - № 5. - P. 36 - 38. |
2 | Anderson R.C. Nematode parasites of vertebrates: their development and transmission // New York: CAB International, 2000. 650 P. |
3 | Abramatov M.B., Amirov O.O., Kuchboev A.E., Khalilov I.M., Abdurakhmanov I.Y. Morphological and molecular characterization of Haemonchus contortus and H. placei (Nematoda: Trichostrongylidae) from Uzbekistan by sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA // Scientia Parasitologica. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2013 14(3): 115-120. |
4 | Hoberg E.P., Lichtenfels J.R., Gibbons L. Phylogeny for species of Haemonchus (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea): considerations of their evolutionary history and global biogeography among Camelidae and Pecora (Artiodactyla) // Journal of Parasitology. 2004. –№ 90 (5). –P. 1085-1102. |
5 | Ivashkin V.M., Oripov A.O., Sonin M.D. Determinant of helminthes of small ruminants // M., Science. 1989. 255 P. |
6 | Oripov A.O. Trihostrongilidozy sheep in Uzbekistan and their control // Abstract . dis. ... doctor . vet. sciences - Moscow, 1983 – P.35. |
7 | Skryabin K.I. Methods helminthological complete autopsies of vertebrates, including humans // Moscow State University, Moscow, 1928 – P.45. |
8 | Skryabin K.I., Shikhobalova N.P., Schultz R.S., Trihostrongilidy animals and man // Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 1954. 683 P. |
9 | Waller P.J., Chandrawathani P. Haemonchus contortus: Parasite problem No.1 from Tropics - Polar Circle. Problems and prospects for control based on epidemiology // Tropical Biomedicine 2005. 22 (2): P.131-137. |