The article discusses how PBL can be the means to develop study skills of the ESP
students of the higher education. Moreover, it is being talked about the ways how project works can
help to develop study skills.
The article discusses how PBL can be the means to develop study skills of the ESP
students of the higher education. Moreover, it is being talked about the ways how project works can
help to develop study skills.
Ushbu maqola loyiha ustida ishlash ta`lim tehnologiyasini oliy ta`limning
ingliz tilini nofilologik yo`nalishlarda o`rganayotgan talabalarining ta`lim olish ko`nikmasini
shakllantirishdagi rolini muhokama qiladi. Shuningdek qaysi loyiha ishi qaysi ta`lim olish
ko`nikmasini shakllantirishi borasida fikr yuritiladi.
Данная статья обсуждает как проектные работу могут служить
развитию навыков учиться учашихся высщих учебных заведений на уроках английского
языка. Более того в статье представлена таблица проектных работ и навыков которые
они развивают
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Kuchkarova Y.D. | NamSU |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Bülent Alan and Fredricka L. Stoller “Maximizing the Benefits of Project Work In Foreign Language Classrooms”, Forum, 43. |
2 | Stella Cottrell “Study skill handbook”, 2013, Palgrave and Macmillan |
3 | Bülent Alan and Fredricka L. Stoller “Maximizing the Benefits of Project Work In Foreign Language Classrooms”, Forum, 43 |
4 | Roya Sherafat and C.G.Venkatesha Murthy 2016, “A study of study habits and academic achievements among secondary and senior secondary school students of Mysore city”, The international journal of Indian psychology, Vol-3, Issue-2 |
5 | Aleksey Ulko, Yelena Volkova, Natalya Tsarikova, Nilufar Muhamedova, Nodira Isomuhamedova, Roza Ziryanova “Professional Development for Uzbekistan English Teachers Training Toolkit”, Tashkent, 2009 |
6 | Ursula Wingate “Doing away with study skills”, (2006), Vol-11, Num-4, p 457-469 |