Gepatit C virusi tanadagi bir qator zararlanishlarni keltirib chiqaradi,
shu jumladan jigarni ham zararlaydi. Ushbu maqolada lipid metabolizmining
buzilishi deb ataladigan virusli gepatit C bilan zararlanganlarda uchraydigan
muammolardan biri muhokama qilinadi. Tadqiqotning asosiy mazmuni qonning
lipidlar spektri (umumiyxolesterin (xolesterin), yuqori zichlikda gilipoproteinlar
(HDL), juda past zichlikdagilipoproteinlar (VLDL), triglitseridlar (TG)) niqonning
biokimyoviy tekshiruvlari bilan aniqlash orqali tahlil qilishdir. Surunkali gepatit C
bilan og'rigan bemorlarda xolesterolning ko'payishi va uning aterogen
subfraktsiyalari ko'rinishidagi lipid metabolizmining umumiy buzilishi abdominal
semizlikka olib keladi.
Hepatitis C virus causes a number of lesions in the body, including
the liver itself. This article addresses one of the problems encountered in viral
hepatitis C, the so-called lipid metabolism disorder. The main content of the study
is the analysis of determining the levels of the lipid spectrum (total cholesterol
(cholesterol), high density lipoproteins (HDL), very low density lipoproteins
(VLDL), triglycerides (TG)) of the blood, by biochemical blood tests. Common
lipid metabolism disorders in the form of an increase in cholesterol and its
atherogenicsubfractions in patients with chronic hepatitis C leads to an abdominal
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Xikmatullayeva A.S. | ||
2 | Boqiyeva S.R. | ||
3 | Saydivaliyeva K.S. |
№ | Название ссылки |
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