Полное имя автора | Общее количество публикаций | Общее количество ссылок | UzSCI Индекс Хирша |
Xudaybergenova Marjan Baltabayevna Nukus branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan | 2 | - | - |
Aytimova Dilbar Aymuratovna Nukus branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan | 2 | - | - |
Saparbayeva Gulshira Abatbayevna Nukus branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan | 1 | - | - |
Sharipova Dilbarxan Atajanova Nukus branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan | 1 | - | - |