This article gives a clear view of soil, its features and improving its fertility peculiarities. Moreover, this article highlightes some information on types of soils and their important properties

  • O'qishlar soni 206
  • Nashr sanasi 03-06-2019
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar98

Bu maqolada tuproq, uning xususiyatlari va tuproq unumdorligini oshirishning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari haqida so‘z boradi. Bundan tashqari, ushbu maqolada turoqning turlari va uning muhim tarkibiy qismlari haqida ham ma‘lumotlar berilgan.


Эта статья дает четкое представление о почве, его особенности и улучшают ее культивируемые особенности. Кроме того, эта статья выделяет информатцию о типах почв и их важных свойств.


This article gives a clear view of soil, its features and improving its fertility peculiarities. Moreover, this article highlightes some information on types of soils and their important properties

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Salavatova K.S. Student UrDU
Havola nomi
1 P. Uzoqov, Sh. Holiqulov, I. Boboxujayev. Soil science, Tashkent, 2000
2 X. Abdullayev, L. Tursunov, Basics of Soil sciences, Tashkent, 1994
3 Boboxujayev I, Uzokov P, Soil science, Tashkent, 1990
4 N. F. Ganjara, Pochvovedenie, M. Agrokonsalt, 2001
5 R. Q. Quziyev, problems genetic soil sciences, Tashkent, 1996
6 L. Tursunov. The soil Physics, Tashkent, 1988