While improving the efficiency of educational processes, demonstrativeness gives positive results. This requires the use of innovative demonstrative tools that bring a new atmosphere and thinking to the audience of students. The article deals with the issue of the effectiveness of the use of a new optical device in educational processes.

  • O'qishlar soni 129
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2019
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar763

Ta‘lim samaradorligini oshirishda ko‘rgazmalilik ijobiy natijalar beradi. Buning uchun tinglovchilar auditoriyasiga yangi atmosfera va fikrlash muhitini olib kiruvchi innovatsion ko‘rgazmali vositalarni qo‘llash lozim. Maqolada o‘quv jarayonlarida yangi optik qurilmani qo‘llash samaradorligi masalasi ko‘rib chiqilgan.


При повышении эффективности учебных процессов демонстративность даѐт положительные результаты. Для этого необходимо применение инновационных демонстративных средств, которые в аудиторию учащихся приносит новую атмосферу и мышлению. В статьерассматривается вопрос эффективности применения новой оптической установки в учебных процессах.


While improving the efficiency of educational processes, demonstrativeness gives positive results. This requires the use of innovative demonstrative tools that bring a new atmosphere and thinking to the audience of students. The article deals with the issue of the effectiveness of the use of a new optical device in educational processes.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Murodov M. . Candidate of technical science Namangan Enjineering-Construction Institute
2 Sharipov .P. Assistant of Department Power Enjineering Namangan Enjineering-Construction Institute
3 Matchanova F.K. Teacher of physics School №25 f Namangan region
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