This article deals with the classification problems of discourse in English and considers different hypothesis on the matter. Discourse is analyzed as an important aspect of cognition and cognitive linguistics. Its analysis takes into consideration communicative conditions and functions

  • O'qishlar soni 119
  • Nashr sanasi 03-06-2019
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar595

Ushbu maqola ingliz tildagi diskurs turlarini tasniflash muammolariga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, unda masala yuzasidan turli nazariyalar tahlil qilingan. Diskurs muloqot mazmunini tushunish va kognitiv tilshunoslikning muhim qismi sifatida talqin qilingan. Diskurs tahlili muloqot vaziyati va funksiyasini inobatga olgan haolda amalga oshiriladi.


В статье обсуждается сущность проблемы классификации беседы на английском языке, и статья рассматривает различную гипотезу по вопросу. Дискурс проанализирован как важный аспект познания и когнитивной лингвистики. Дискурс анализ учитывает общительные условия и функции.


This article deals with the classification problems of discourse in English and considers different hypothesis on the matter. Discourse is analyzed as an important aspect of cognition and cognitive linguistics. Its analysis takes into consideration communicative conditions and functions

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Matnazarova H.S. Master student, English language and literature departmen Urgench State University
Havola nomi
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