This article outlines the possibilities of using the foreign experience to increase the share of service sector in the economy of Uzbekistan, which has been widely stated ways of using foreign experience based on the analysis US and UK economy

  • O'qishlar soni 173
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar183

Мазкур мақолада Ўзбекистон иқтисодиётида хизматлар соҳасини улушини оширишда хориж тажрибаларини қўллаш имкониятлари ёритилиб, бу АҚШ ва Буюк Британия иқтисодиётини таҳлил қилиш асосида республикамизда кенг фойдаланиш йўллари баён этилган.


: В этой статье описываются возможности использования зарубежного опыта для увеличения доли сектора услуг в экономике Узбекистана, в котором широко излагаются способы использования зарубежного опыта на основе анализа экономики США и Великобритании


This article outlines the possibilities of using the foreign experience to increase the share of service sector in the economy of Uzbekistan, which has been widely stated ways of using foreign experience based on the analysis US and UK economy

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Xudayberganov D.. associate-professor UrDU
2 Allayarov S.. Student UrDU
3 Kuziboev U.. Student UrDU
Havola nomi
1 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 26, 2016, "On Program of Development of Services in 2016 - 2020". Source: www.lex.uz
2 The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency". Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 20 September 2017.Jump up ^ "World GDP Ranking 2017 | GDP by country | Data and Charts - knoema.com". Knoema. Retrieved 2018-02-19.
3 Victor R., Fuchs. Who Shall Live ?: Health, Economics and Social Choice
4 www.fortune.com – official website of “Global Fortune 500”.
5 World Bank Open Data from The World Bank Group. Source: www.worldbank.org
6 Source: www.stat.uz. Official website of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.