: In the article there is analyzed military strategic significance of the waterway of Amu Darya in ancient and Middle Ages on the basis of sources.

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Мақолада Амударё сув йўлининг қадимги давр ва ўрта асрларда ҳарбий стратегик аҳамияти манбалар асосида таҳлил қилинади.


В статье проанализировано военное стратегическое значение водного пути Амударьи в древнем и средневековым периоде на основе источников.


: In the article there is analyzed military strategic significance of the waterway of Amu Darya in ancient and Middle Ages on the basis of sources.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Karimov Y.A. PhD student, Urgench State University
Havola nomi
1 1.Abulghazi Bahadirkhan. Shajarai Turk. – Tashkent: Chulpan, 1992. 2.Аlekseev V.P., Pershits А.I. The History of First Society. – М.:Visshaya shkola, 1990. 3.Bartold.V.V. Turkestan during an Epoch of the Mongolian Invasion // 9 volumes. – М.: Nauka, 1963. 4.Extraction from “History of the Nadir-shah” (Tarikh Nodiri) of Mirza Mahdikhan of Astrabad / Transfer under the editorship of A.A. Romaskevich // МИТТ. Works of the Institute of Oriental Studies. The Iranian, Bukhara and Khivan sources. – M.: Publishing house of AN USSR, 1938. Volume 2. 5.Hudüd al-‘Älam (The regions of the world) a Persian geography / Translated and explained from Persian bу V. Ninorskу. – London, 1970.
2 2.Аlekseev V.P., Pershits А.I. The History of First Society. – М.:Visshaya shkola, 1990.
3 3.Bartold.V.V. Turkestan during an Epoch of the Mongolian Invasion // 9 volumes. – М.: Nauka, 1963.
4 4.Extraction from “History of the Nadir-shah” (Tarikh Nodiri) of Mirza Mahdikhan of Astrabad / Transfer under the editorship of A.A. Romaskevich // МИТТ. Works of the Institute of Oriental Studies. The Iranian, Bukhara and Khivan sources. – M.: Publishing house of AN USSR, 1938. Volume 2.
5 5.Hudüd al-‘Älam (The regions of the world) a Persian geography / Translated and explained from Persian bу V. Ninorskу. – London, 1970