In spite of the fact that many developments are recorded in the treatment and pathogenesis of psoriasis, its etiology still remains obscure. Psoriasis is a chronic, common skin disease, which affects the patient’s quality of life to the highest degree. Several exogenous factors and endogenous hormonal changes may act as triggers for psoriasis. The skin possesses a true endocrine system, which is very important in multiple systemic diseases. A number of conditions are associated with psoriasis, and its severity can also be influenced by hormones and obesity. Hormones which can influence the psoriasis clinical manifestations: glucocorticoids, epinephrine, thyroid hormones, prolactin, sex hormones and insulin. 

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  • Nashr sanasi 30-01-2021
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Хотя было отмечено много изменений в лечении и патогенезе псориаза, его этиология остается неясной. Псориаз является хроническим распространенным заболеванием кожи, которое оказывает наибольшее влияние на качество жизни пациента. Несколько экзогенных факторов и эндогенных гормональных изменений могут служить возбудителем псориаза. Кожа имеет настоящую эндокринную систему, которая играет очень важную роль при многих системных заболеваниях. Ряд факторов связан с псориазом, и гормоны и ожирение также могут влиять на его развитие. Гормоны, влияющие на клинические проявления псориаза: глюкокортикоиды, адреналин, гормоны щитовидной железы, половые гормоны и инсулин. 


In spite of the fact that many developments are recorded in the treatment and pathogenesis of psoriasis, its etiology still remains obscure. Psoriasis is a chronic, common skin disease, which affects the patient’s quality of life to the highest degree. Several exogenous factors and endogenous hormonal changes may act as triggers for psoriasis. The skin possesses a true endocrine system, which is very important in multiple systemic diseases. A number of conditions are associated with psoriasis, and its severity can also be influenced by hormones and obesity. Hormones which can influence the psoriasis clinical manifestations: glucocorticoids, epinephrine, thyroid hormones, prolactin, sex hormones and insulin. 


Psoriazni davolash va patogenezida ko'plab o'zgarishlar qayd etilganiga qaramay, uning etiologiyasi noaniqligicha qolmoqda. Psoriaz - bu surunkali, keng tarqalgan teri kasalligi bo'lib, bemorning hayot sifatiga eng yuqori darajada ta'sir qiladi. Bir necha ekzogen omillar va endogen gormonal o'zgarishlar psoriazning qo'zg'atuvchisi bo'lib xizmat qilishi mumkin. Terida haqiqiy endokrin tizim mavjud, bu juda ko'p tizimli kasalliklarda juda muhim o'rin tutadi. Qator omillar psoriaz kasalligi bilan bog'liq bo'lib, uning rivojlanishiga gormonlar va semizlik ham ta'sir qilishi mumkin. Psoriazning klinik ko'rinishlariga ta'sir ko'rsatadigan gormonlar: glyukokortikoidlar, epinefrin, qalqonsimon gormonlar, jinsiy gormonlar va insulin. 

Havola nomi
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