In this article is given information about Mennonites who lived in the Central Asia, exactly in Khorezm region. In August 1881, a group of Mennonites called Trakt, arrived at Tashkent. They were accepted by Turkestan GeneralGovernor Kaufman. During their stay in the Central Asian territory they taught local people many interesting and useful jobs.

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Ushbu maqolada O‘rta Osiyoda, xususan, Xorazm viloyatida istiqomat qilgan Mennonitlar haqida ma'lumot beriladi. 1881 yilning avgustida Toshkentga Trakt nomli Mennonitlar guruhi keldi.Ular Turkiston bosh gubernatori Kaufman tomonidan qabul qilingan.O‘rta Osiyo mamlakatlarida ular mahalliy aholiga ko'plab foydali kasblarni o'rgatganlar


В этой статье приводится информация о меннонитах, которые жили в Средней Азии, а именно в Хорезмской области. В августе 1881 года группа меннонитов по имени Тракт прибыла в Ташкент. Они были приняты генеральным губернатором Туркестана Кауфманом. Во время своего пребывания на территории Центральной Азии они обучали местных жителей многим полезным работам


In this article is given information about Mennonites who lived in the Central Asia, exactly in Khorezm region. In August 1881, a group of Mennonites called Trakt, arrived at Tashkent. They were accepted by Turkestan GeneralGovernor Kaufman. During their stay in the Central Asian territory they taught local people many interesting and useful jobs.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Rakhimova S.A. Senior Lecturer Urgench branch of Tashkent medical academy
2 Djumaniyazov D.N. deputy Dean on Spiritual and enlightment affairs Urgench branch of Tashkent medical academy
Havola nomi
1 Fred Richard Trek ‖The great trek‖ of the Russian Mennonites to Central Asia 1880-1884-USA,Kansas city,2001/47,79,170,225 pages
2 http/raven.bethelks.edu
3 Khiva Ichankala archive fund‘s materials
4 Ebermann_Katharina_Claas_Epp_Klass_Epp - mennonity_v_Am_Trakte_(SI)_Readli.Net_262730_original_98538.pdf
5 Sotim Avaz‖ Temurgozi tura‖ Tashkent, Uzbekistan,2018,51-53 pages