The article says that it is possible to develop innovations in Uzbekistan only with a large-scale inflow of investments, both domestic and foreign. Today, it is very important that national priorities have been developed and methods for regulating innovative modernization of the economy have been formed, as a result of which it becomes possible to polarize investment resources in the most significant directions. However, the existing volumes of attracted investment resources are clearly not enough for an innovative breakthrough. Formation of effective interaction of elements of economic systems with investors is today one of the necessary organizational prerequisites for attracting investment funds in the innovation sphere. In this connection, the issue of investment support for innovative activities currently requires immediate resolution.

  • O'qishlar soni 262
  • Nashr sanasi 21-03-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar211-217

The article says that it is possible to develop innovations in Uzbekistan only with a large-scale inflow of investments, both domestic and foreign. Today, it is very important that national priorities have been developed and methods for regulating innovative modernization of the economy have been formed, as a result of which it becomes possible to polarize investment resources in the most significant directions. However, the existing volumes of attracted investment resources are clearly not enough for an innovative breakthrough. Formation of effective interaction of elements of economic systems with investors is today one of the necessary organizational prerequisites for attracting investment funds in the innovation sphere. In this connection, the issue of investment support for innovative activities currently requires immediate resolution.

Havola nomi
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