he aim of this article is to present main streams in vocabulary teaching approaches and their influence on pupils’ acquisition. By linguistic researches vs. communicative approach I summarized and tried to show how to make profit out of both to get the best possible result. The measurable result in this case is acquired knowledge in the sphere of learning English language through the vocabulary to students. The first part of the article concerns the backgrounds of methods and their characteristics. It also devoted in general principles of vocabulary learning process. The second part of the following article is based on practical work plans and vocabulary games within a classroom. It consists of different lesson strategies and game types which can get profitable results in process of acknowledgment of new language like English

  • O'qishlar soni 226
  • Nashr sanasi 21-03-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar367-371

he aim of this article is to present main streams in vocabulary teaching approaches and their influence on pupils’ acquisition. By linguistic researches vs. communicative approach I summarized and tried to show how to make profit out of both to get the best possible result. The measurable result in this case is acquired knowledge in the sphere of learning English language through the vocabulary to students. The first part of the article concerns the backgrounds of methods and their characteristics. It also devoted in general principles of vocabulary learning process. The second part of the following article is based on practical work plans and vocabulary games within a classroom. It consists of different lesson strategies and game types which can get profitable results in process of acknowledgment of new language like English

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1 1. Gerlach. (2006). At the Chalk Face, Practical Techniques in Language Teaching. Ltd. Hong Kong Nelson.
2 2. Longman. Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching (3rd edition). New
3 3. Hiebert, E. H. and Kamil, M. L. (2005). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
4 4. Pinter, A. (2006). Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5 5. Rahmadhani, A. P. (2015). Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary to Young