The article deals with the usage of interactive methods teaching in the classroom "Engineering Graphics" and the possibilities for the mental development of students.

  • O'qishlar soni 97
  • Nashr sanasi 21-03-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar1969-1973.

The article deals with the usage of interactive methods teaching in the classroom "Engineering Graphics" and the possibilities for the mental development of students.

Havola nomi
1 1. Stupina. S. B. Interactive learning technologies in higher education [Text]: educational methodological guide / S. B. Stupin. - Saratov. 2009
2 2. Ekzhanova E.A. Fundamentals of Integrated Learning: A Manual for Universities M. 2008
3 3. Ivanova - Komarschuk A. The usefulness of interactive teaching methods [Electronic resource] http: y / osvita.ua / teclmol / 6564
4 4. Technique for teaching drawing. Ed. E.A. Vaselenko M-1990