This article is dedicated to that E. Hemingway had a huge impact on the culture of the twentieth century the sixties were a romantic time — with a cult of wanderings, adventures, if you remember, it was the years of student revolutions, unrest; And here Hemingway becomes such an amazing archetypal image. The image of the macho man was fixed for a long time by culture, and at the same time Hemingway had not such a direct relation to this myth. Nevertheless, its popularity began to decline in the 1970s, and it became more of an academic subject.; research about him is becoming less and less, and finally, in 1999, the centenary of the birth of this great American writer, in general, passes almost unnoticed.

  • O'qishlar soni 229
  • Nashr sanasi 21-03-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar300-306.

This article is dedicated to that E. Hemingway had a huge impact on the culture of the twentieth century the sixties were a romantic time — with a cult of wanderings, adventures, if you remember, it was the years of student revolutions, unrest; And here Hemingway becomes such an amazing archetypal image. The image of the macho man was fixed for a long time by culture, and at the same time Hemingway had not such a direct relation to this myth. Nevertheless, its popularity began to decline in the 1970s, and it became more of an academic subject.; research about him is becoming less and less, and finally, in 1999, the centenary of the birth of this great American writer, in general, passes almost unnoticed.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Safarova D.. Senior teacher Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Havola nomi
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13 14. Safarova, D. (2020). Эрнест Хемингуэй ва ўзбек адабиёти. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 1(2), 42-4