The conservation of water resources, their wise usage, and consumer access continue to be major and relevant issues nowadays. Regulating the system of effective use of the existing water resources is crucial for addressing the issue of water scarcity. The goal of the article is to create irrigation technologies and techniques for viticulture, which is growing and expanding year after year in the context of a growing water shortage, that are acclimatized to the soil and climatic conditions of the mountainous area of Uzbekistan. A study on drip irrigation of vineyards using local runoff was conducted in the foothills of Kashkadarya province in Uzbekistan on gray soils and few water supplies. In addition, irrigation was done using a 2-3-2 system with irrigation norms of 170-200 m3 /ha and seasonal irrigation norms of 1300-1900 m3 /ha while pre-irrigation soil moisture was kept at 70-75-65% relative to LFMC. By yielding 20.8 tons/ha of grapes, which was shown to be 5.6 tons/ha or 24% more than the control alternative, which is a standard furrow irrigation, 33% of water resources were conserved.

  • O'qishlar soni 1303
  • Nashr sanasi 30-06-2022
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar9

The conservation of water resources, their wise usage, and consumer access continue to be major and relevant issues nowadays. Regulating the system of effective use of the existing water resources is crucial for addressing the issue of water scarcity. The goal of the article is to create irrigation technologies and techniques for viticulture, which is growing and expanding year after year in the context of a growing water shortage, that are acclimatized to the soil and climatic conditions of the mountainous area of Uzbekistan. A study on drip irrigation of vineyards using local runoff was conducted in the foothills of Kashkadarya province in Uzbekistan on gray soils and few water supplies. In addition, irrigation was done using a 2-3-2 system with irrigation norms of 170-200 m3 /ha and seasonal irrigation norms of 1300-1900 m3 /ha while pre-irrigation soil moisture was kept at 70-75-65% relative to LFMC. By yielding 20.8 tons/ha of grapes, which was shown to be 5.6 tons/ha or 24% more than the control alternative, which is a standard furrow irrigation, 33% of water resources were conserved.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Azamat J.. Associate Professor Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers
Havola nomi