In this article, you can get more information about the results of our research carried out on the use of digital educational resources in the organization and development of the education based on digital technologies even in remote areas such as school № 38 in Gallaorol district, school № 4 in Pakhtakor district and school № 17 in Zafarobod district in Jizzakh region in a certain period. In this research, we tried to use digital educational resources in the organization and development of the educational process based on digital technologies in educational institutions located in remote areas, where it is difficult to use digital technologies, as well as, we achieved the expected positive result. 

  • O'qishlar soni 142
  • Nashr sanasi 05-10-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar220-228

 In this article, you can get more information about the results of our research carried out on the use of digital educational resources in the organization and development of the education based on digital technologies even in remote areas such as school № 38 in Gallaorol district, school № 4 in Pakhtakor district and school № 17 in Zafarobod district in Jizzakh region in a certain period. In this research, we tried to use digital educational resources in the organization and development of the educational process based on digital technologies in educational institutions located in remote areas, where it is difficult to use digital technologies, as well as, we achieved the expected positive result. 


Ushbu maqolada bugungi kunda chekka hududlarda ham ta’lim jarayonini raqamli texnologiyalar asosida tashkil qilish va rivojlantirishda raqamli ta’lim resurslarini qo‘llash bo‘yicha Jizzax viloyati G‘allaorol tumani  38-umumta’lim maktabi, Paxtakor tumani XTB tasarrufidagi 4-umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktabi va Zafarobod tumani 17-sonli umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktabida ma’lum muddat davomida olib borilgan tadqiqotimiz natijasi bilan tanishishingiz mumkin. Ushbu tadqiqotimizda asosan chekkaroq hududlardagi, ya’ni raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanish qiyin bo‘lgan, raqamli texnologiyalar bilan to‘liq ta’minlanmagan ta’lim muassasalarida ta’lim jarayonini raqamli texnologiyalar asosida tashkil qilish va rivojlantirishda raqamli ta’lim resurslarini qo‘llashga harakat qildik va kutilgan ijobiy natijaga erishdik. 


В этой статье вы можете получить более подробную информацию о результатах наших исследований по использованию цифровых образовательных ресурсов в организации и развитии образования на основе цифровых технологий даже в отдаленных регионах таких как школа № 38 Галлаорольского района, школа № 4 Пахтакорского района и школа № 17 Зафарабадского района Джизакской области в определенный период. В данном исследовании мы попытались использовать цифровые образовательные ресурсы при организации и развитии образовательного процесса на основе цифровых технологий в образовательных учреждениях отдаленных районов, где использование цифровых технологий затруднено, и которые не в полной мере оснащены цифровыми технологиями. мы достигли ожидаемого положительного результата. 

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