In the work, the laws of oxidation with metal oxides of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and methane were studied. The composition of the reaction products with the presence of highly active catalytic systems prepared on the basis of iron, titanium, copper, tungsten, and zinc oxides was investigated, and the mechanism of the oxidation process and optimal temperature ranges were proposed. On the basis of the obtained materials, gas-inert materials for competitive, selective semiconductor sensors of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methane were created and their performance was determined.

  • O'qishlar soni 114
  • Nashr sanasi 25-09-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar30-42

Ishda vodorod sulfidi, ammiak va metanning metall oksidlari ishtirokidagi oksidlanish qonuniyatlari oʻrganilgan. Temir, titan, mis, volfram va rux oksidlari asosida tayyorlangan yuqori aktiv katalitik tizimlar ishtirokida boradigan reaksiyalar mahsulotlari tarkibi tekshirilgan va oksidlanish jarayonining mexanizmi hamda optimal temperatura diapazonlari taklif etilgan. Olingan materiallar asosida ammiak, vodorod sulfidi va metanni raqobatbardosh, selektiv yarimoʻtkazgichli sensorlari uchun gazsezgir materiallar  yaratilgan va ularning koʻrsatkichlari aniqlangan.



В работе изучены закономерности окисления с участием сероводорода, аммиака и оксидов металлов метана, исследован состав продуктов реакций, протекающих с участием высокоактивных каталитических систем на основе оксидов железа, титана, меди, вольфрама и цинка, предложен механизм процесса окисления, а также оптимальные температурные диапазоны. На основе полученных материалов созданы газочувствительные материалы для конкурентных, селективных полупроводниковых датчиков аммиака, сероводорода и метана и определены их показатели.


In the work, the laws of oxidation with metal oxides of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and methane were studied. The composition of the reaction products with the presence of highly active catalytic systems prepared on the basis of iron, titanium, copper, tungsten, and zinc oxides was investigated, and the mechanism of the oxidation process and optimal temperature ranges were proposed. On the basis of the obtained materials, gas-inert materials for competitive, selective semiconductor sensors of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methane were created and their performance was determined.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Abdurakhmanov E.. professor SamDU
2 Nasimov A.M. professor SamDU
3 Abdurakhmanov . . professor SamDU
Havola nomi
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