In this article, we tried to analyze relationships of conditional sentences as an object of linguistics and noted different notions. Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause, without if, can only take place if a certain condition is fulfilled. Conditional sentence is used to express something expected or unexpected which may or may not be possible. It consists of two causes, a dependent clause that beginning with If- clause and the main clause.

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In this article, we tried to analyze relationships of conditional sentences as an object of linguistics and noted different notions. Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause, without if, can only take place if a certain condition is fulfilled. Conditional sentence is used to express something expected or unexpected which may or may not be possible. It consists of two causes, a dependent clause that beginning with If- clause and the main clause.


В данной статье мы попытались проанализировать связи условных предложений как объект лингвистики и отметили различные понятия. Условные предложения также известны как условные предложения или предложения If. Они используются для выражения того, что действие в главном предложении, без If, может произойти только в том случае, если выполнено определенное условие. Условное предложение используется для выражения чего-то ожидаемого или неожиданного, что может быть или не быть возможным. Оно состоит из двух причин: зависимого предложения, начинающегося с предложения If, и главного предложения.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Egamova J.K. Student Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Havola nomi
1 1. Bach, K. and Harnish, R. Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts. (1979).
2 2. Cambridge International Dictionary of English, 1995.
3 3. Greenbaum, Sidney, and, Randolph Quirk. A Student's Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1990. Print.
4 4. Gazieva, S. T. (2021). Reading is the Receptive Side of Writing. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(5), 1564-1570.