The article argues that the works of Alisher Navoi form a good morality bring a person to spiritual maturity. It is also scientifically analyzed that understanding the essence of the works of Navoi, the incomparable representative of our national literature, the pride and glory of our nation, and the deeper organization of the ideals of kindness, mercy, peace and friendship, is one of our most important issues today.One of the tasks set in the National Program of Personnel Training as an important problem of the system of continuing education is to educate young people on the basis of national values, to develop a harmoniously developed generation [1, 20-29].
The article argues that the works of Alisher Navoi form a good morality bring a person to spiritual maturity. It is also scientifically analyzed that understanding the essence of the works of Navoi, the incomparable representative of our national literature, the pride and glory of our nation, and the deeper organization of the ideals of kindness, mercy, peace and friendship, is one of our most important issues today.One of the tasks set in the National Program of Personnel Training as an important problem of the system of continuing education is to educate young people on the basis of national values, to develop a harmoniously developed generation [1, 20-29].
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Saribaeva M.U. | Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor | Gulistan State University |
№ | Havola nomi |
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