In this article, Erkin Usmanov'sadventure-mystical stories are artistically analyzed, and the opinions about the fact that these stories are written in a mystical direction, and the effective use of portrait lines to show the individual characteristics of the characters, are stated. Conclusions were made that the artistic details in the works have their own significance, that they served as the main tools of mysticism in the works, and that the use of artistic image tools helped to reflect the main ideological intention.
In this article, Erkin Usmanov'sadventure-mystical stories are artistically analyzed, and the opinions about the fact that these stories are written in a mystical direction, and the effective use of portrait lines to show the individual characteristics of the characters, are stated. Conclusions were made that the artistic details in the works have their own significance, that they served as the main tools of mysticism in the works, and that the use of artistic image tools helped to reflect the main ideological intention.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Jurakulov S.. | Trainee-teacher of the Department of "Uzbek Literary Studies" at the Faculty of Philology and Language Teaching | Gulistan State University |
№ | Havola nomi |
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