The impact of gender-related lexical units on linguistic and social conceptions is examined in this paper. It highlights the ways in which language shapes our understanding of gender, perpetuates prejudices, and upholds gender inequality. Conversation topics include gendered language, work titles, and occupational terminology, as well as the significance of language in identifying and recognising gender identity. The essay acknowledges the challenges faced by disadvantaged genders while highlighting the progress made in the direction of inclusivity. It suggests promoting gender-inclusive language by intentional acts, guidance, and candid dialogue. Through research and critique of gendered language, we may work towards a more equitable and polite society that recognises and values the diversity of gender identities.

  • O'qishlar soni 96
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar164-169

The impact of gender-related lexical units on linguistic and social conceptions is examined in this paper. It highlights the ways in which language shapes our understanding of gender, perpetuates prejudices, and upholds gender inequality. Conversation topics include gendered language, work titles, and occupational terminology, as well as the significance of language in identifying and recognising gender identity. The essay acknowledges the challenges faced by disadvantaged genders while highlighting the progress made in the direction of inclusivity. It suggests promoting gender-inclusive language by intentional acts, guidance, and candid dialogue. Through research and critique of gendered language, we may work towards a more equitable and polite society that recognises and values the diversity of gender identities.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Karimova Z.A. 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4 Email: l.khalilova_89@mail.ru Gulistan State University
2 Khalilova L.R. 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4 Email: l.khalilova_89@mail.ru Gulistan State University
3 Allayarov A.I. 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4 Email: l.khalilova_89@mail.ru Gulistan State University
4 Ravshanov H. . 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4 Email: l.khalilova_89@mail.ru Gulistan State University
5 Yusupov .X. 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4 Email: l.khalilova_89@mail.ru Gulistan State University
Havola nomi
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