The investigation focuses on the function of digital tools in the teaching of foreign languages. It evaluates the combinations of different digital technologies and their effects on language acquisition, providing pedagogical consequences and insights intotheir effectiveness. With the use of digital learning tools, students are encouraged to participate in role-playing, interactive activities, and multimedia learning. For example, instant feedback is provided by real-time speaking and listening exercises in language learning programmes, which increases user engagement. Offer a range of multimedia materials, such as podcasts, videos, and online articles, to accommodate different learning styles. By exposing students to language use in real-world situations, these resources aid in their development as more adept comprehension learners and culturally aware individuals. With the quick evaluation and feedback that digital tools offer, teachers can monitor their pupils' progress with efficiency. This quick feedback loop speeds up language acquisition by assisting students in identifying and fixing errors early on.

  • O'qishlar soni 85
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar188-191

The investigation focuses on the function of digital tools in the teaching of foreign languages. It evaluates the combinations of different digital technologies and their effects on language acquisition, providing pedagogical consequences and insights intotheir effectiveness. With the use of digital learning tools, students are encouraged to participate in role-playing, interactive activities, and multimedia learning. For example, instant feedback is provided by real-time speaking and listening exercises in language learning programmes, which increases user engagement. Offer a range of multimedia materials, such as podcasts, videos, and online articles, to accommodate different learning styles. By exposing students to language use in real-world situations, these resources aid in their development as more adept comprehension learners and culturally aware individuals. With the quick evaluation and feedback that digital tools offer, teachers can monitor their pupils' progress with efficiency. This quick feedback loop speeds up language acquisition by assisting students in identifying and fixing errors early on.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Xudayberdiyev R.X. 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4. Gulistan State University
2 Khalilova L.R. 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4. Gulistan State University
3 Ravshanov H. . 120100, Syrdarya region, Gulistan-4. Gulistan State University
4 To'rakulova G.S. texnalogik ta'lim yo'nalishi, 1-19 guruh talabasi Gulistan State University
Havola nomi
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