In any culture, a person's name serves as a socio-cultural sign. The system of names, which has a long history, bears the traces of nationality of the people. Anthroponyms have a clear national and cultural significance, as they ensure the preservation of not only linguistic but also historical and cultural information. Anthroponymy is considered as a tool to reflect the national culture of the whole population.

  • O'qishlar soni 67
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar232-238

In any culture, a person's name serves as a socio-cultural sign. The system of names, which has a long history, bears the traces of nationality of the people. Anthroponyms have a clear national and cultural significance, as they ensure the preservation of not only linguistic but also historical and cultural information. Anthroponymy is considered as a tool to reflect the national culture of the whole population.

Havola nomi
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