in this article as a woman of Takash in the life of the Khorezmshah state, which existed on the territory of our homeland in the Middle Ages. As part of a broader analysis of the role of Alouddin Khwarezmshah's parent Turkon khotun in state affairs, we will dwell on the case when he studied historical sources from the Middle Ages and the present.

  • O'qishlar soni 128
  • Nashr sanasi 01-04-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar7

in this article as a woman of Takash in the life of the Khorezmshah state, which existed on the territory of our homeland in the Middle Ages. As part of a broader analysis of the role of Alouddin Khwarezmshah's parent Turkon khotun in state affairs, we will dwell on the case when he studied historical sources from the Middle Ages and the present.


ushbu maqolada takash ayoli sifatida o‘rta asrlarda vatanimiz hududida mavjud bo‘lgan Xorazmshohlar davlati hayotida. Alouddin Xorazmshohning ota-onasi Turkon xotunning davlat ishlarida tutgan o‘rnini kengroq tahlil qilish doirasida uning o‘rta asrlar va hozirgi davrga oid tarixiy manbalarni o‘rgangan holiga to‘xtalamiz.


в данной статье рассматривается женщина Такаша в жизни государства Хорезмшахов, существовавшего на территории нашей Родины в Средние века. В рамках более широкого анализа роли родителя Алоуддина Хорезмшаха Туркона хотуна в государственных делах остановимся на случае, когда он изучал исторические источники средневековья и современности.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Muyiddinov B.B. teacher Asian International University
Havola nomi
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