This article investigates the utilization of English loanwords in texts written in French and Uzbek. It analyzes materials from scientific linguistic literature pertaining to the concepts of "borrowing" and "anglicism," as well as the initial integration of English lexical units into the French and Uzbek languages. Through empirical evidence, this study delves into: 1) the phonetic, semantic, and morphological adaptation of Anglicisms within the texts of French and Uzbek texts; 2) the initial documentation of English lexical units in historical business documents of both languages; 3) the role of English words in enhancing the vocabulary of the languages in question; and 4) English lexical units absent from French and Uzbek explanatory dictionaries.
This article investigates the utilization of English loanwords in texts written in French and Uzbek. It analyzes materials from scientific linguistic literature pertaining to the concepts of "borrowing" and "anglicism," as well as the initial integration of English lexical units into the French and Uzbek languages. Through empirical evidence, this study delves into: 1) the phonetic, semantic, and morphological adaptation of Anglicisms within the texts of French and Uzbek texts; 2) the initial documentation of English lexical units in historical business documents of both languages; 3) the role of English words in enhancing the vocabulary of the languages in question; and 4) English lexical units absent from French and Uzbek explanatory dictionaries.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Kavilova L.A. | !! | Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Jizzakh, Uzbekistan |
№ | Havola nomi |
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