The ability to express an opinion in written form is a complex process. Because the whole thought is the expressed text. For example, the purpose of mother tongue education is embodied in this parameter. The skills and competences acquired by the learner in the process of mother tongue education are also reflected in the text he creates. Therefore, the teacher, when evaluating the result of the quality of education based on this parameter, is determined by the state of these skills acquired by the student: a) expression of the thought in a logical consistency; b) thinking, level of complexity of the subject (simple, complex, concrete, abstract, etc.); c) relevance of the description to the topic and the value of the description; g) level of appropriate use of language means of expression in the description; d) the quality of spelling (written) literacy. It can be seen that students create text and work on the texttakes a central place in the second and fourth stages of training and assignments given outside the classroom.

  • O'qishlar soni 44
  • Nashr sanasi 29-02-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar93-99

The ability to express an opinion in written form is a complex process. Because the whole thought is the expressed text. For example, the purpose of mother tongue education is embodied in this parameter. The skills and competences acquired by the learner in the process of mother tongue education are also reflected in the text he creates. Therefore, the teacher, when evaluating the result of the quality of education based on this parameter, is determined by the state of these skills acquired by the student: a) expression of the thought in a logical consistency; b) thinking, level of complexity of the subject (simple, complex, concrete, abstract, etc.); c) relevance of the description to the topic and the value of the description; g) level of appropriate use of language means of expression in the description; d) the quality of spelling (written) literacy. It can be seen that students create text and work on the texttakes a central place in the second and fourth stages of training and assignments given outside the classroom.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Yusupova T.. Associate Professor Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literaturenamed after Alisher Navoi
Havola nomi
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