The article reveals the role, significance and content in the preliminary investigation of the investigative action on the inspection of the scene by law enforcement officers. In this regard, the investigative actions and related issues that should be undertaken by the investigator, the investigator and the prosecutor during the inspection of the crime scene of theft were analyzed.
The article reveals the role, significance and content in the preliminary investigation of the investigative action on the inspection of the scene by law enforcement officers. In this regard, the investigative actions and related issues that should be undertaken by the investigator, the investigator and the prosecutor during the inspection of the crime scene of theft were analyzed.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Turgunov A.R. | !! | Investigator of the Crime Investigation Department of the Investigative Department for Transport and Tourist Facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs |
№ | Havola nomi |
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