While witnessing a flood of media failings in 2002 and 2003 in the United States, and especially, the New York Times stunningly detailed mea culpa concerning its mistakes in covering the run-up to the United States’ war in Iraq, the author, a former investigative reporter, decided to show how watchdog journalism should work. The author selected six Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative projects of various-size newspapers and showed how the projects started, proceeded, and brought about change. The selected newspapers are The Orlando Sentinel in Florida (chapter 1), The Williamette Week in Oregon (chapter 2), The Toledo Blade in Ohio (chapter 3), The Baltimore Sun in Maryland (chapter 4), The New York Times in New York (chapter 5), The Los Angeles Times in California (chapter 6). Each chapter presents a backstory on each investigative reporting based on the author’s interviews with the reporters who carried out the investigative project. The book supplies full details on the path to finding out the truth by various investigative skills. The author emphasized that investigative journalism can be done individually or as a team at any size newspaper regardless of obstacles or corporate pressures, if only the journalist is armed with the investigative mentality. The author writes that this investigative mentality is required these days when corporate pressure on the media is widespread.

  • O'qishlar soni 54
  • Nashr sanasi 20-12-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar202-223

While witnessing a flood of media failings in 2002 and 2003 in the United States, and especially, the New York Times stunningly detailed mea culpa concerning its mistakes in covering the run-up to the United States’ war in Iraq, the author, a former investigative reporter, decided to show how watchdog journalism should work. The author selected six Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative projects of various-size newspapers and showed how the projects started, proceeded, and brought about change. The selected newspapers are The Orlando Sentinel in Florida (chapter 1), The Williamette Week in Oregon (chapter 2), The Toledo Blade in Ohio (chapter 3), The Baltimore Sun in Maryland (chapter 4), The New York Times in New York (chapter 5), The Los Angeles Times in California (chapter 6). Each chapter presents a backstory on each investigative reporting based on the author’s interviews with the reporters who carried out the investigative project. The book supplies full details on the path to finding out the truth by various investigative skills. The author emphasized that investigative journalism can be done individually or as a team at any size newspaper regardless of obstacles or corporate pressures, if only the journalist is armed with the investigative mentality. The author writes that this investigative mentality is required these days when corporate pressure on the media is widespread.


Amerika Qo‘shma Shtatlarida 2002 va 2003 yildagi media muvaffaqiyatsizliklar to‘foni, ayniqsa, New York Timesdagi holatni kuzatganidan so‘ng, AQSHning Iroqdagi urushini yoritishda yo‘l qo‘ygan kamchiliklarini tasvirlar ekan, muallif, jurnalistik surishtiruvlar olib borgan sobiq muxbir, watchdog jurnalistika qanday ishlashi kerakligini ko‘rsatishga qaror qildi. Muallif olti Pulitser mukofoti sovrindori bo‘lgan tadqiqot loyihalarini tanlab oldi va bu loyihalar qanday boshlangani, taraqqiy etganini ko‘rsatdi. Tanlangan gazetalar: Floridadagi “The Orlando Sentinel” (1-bob), Oregondagi “The Williamette Week” (2-bob), Ohiodagi “The Toledo Blade” (3-bob), Merilenddagi “The Baltimore Sun” (4-bob), Nyu-Yorkdagi “The New York Times” (5-bob), Kaliforniyadag “The Los Angeles Times” (6-bob). Har bir bobda surishtiruv loyihasini olib borgan jurnalistlar bilan muallifning intervyulari berilgan bo‘lib, ular asosida surishtiruv loyihalari qanday olib borilgani ochib berilgan. Kitobda turli surishtiruv ko‘nikmalari yordamida haqiqatni topish yo‘li batafsil bayon yetilgan. Muallif jurnalist surishtiruv mentaliteti bilan qurollangan yekan, to‘siqlar yoki korporativ bosimdan qat’i nazar, jurnalistik surishtiruv har qanday hajmdagi gazetada yakka tartibda yoki jamoada olib borilishi mumkinligini ta’kidlab o‘tadi. Muallifning yozishicha, bunday surishtiruv mentaliteti ommaviy axborot vositalariga korporativ bosim keng tarqalgan shu kunlarda zarur.


Наблюдая за потоком неудач средств массовой информации в США в 2002 и 2003 годах, и особенно в New York Times, в потрясающе детализированной статье о своих ошибках в освещении подготовки к войне Соединенных Штатов в Ираке автор, бывший журналист-расследователь, решил показать, как должна работать сторожевая журналистика. Автор отобрал шесть исследовательских проектов газет разного размера, получивших Пулитцеровскую премию, и показал, как эти проекты начинались, развивались и привели к изменениям. Выбранные газеты: The Orlando Sentinel во Флориде (глава 1), The Williamette Week в Орегоне (глава 2), The Toledo Blade в Огайо (глава 3), The Baltimore Sun в Мэриленде (глава 4), The New York Times в Нью-Йорке (глава 5), The Los Angeles Times в Калифорнии (глава 6). В каждой главе представлена предыстория каждого репортажа о расследовании, основанная на интервью автора с репортерами, выполнявшими исследовательский проект. В книге подробно рассказывается о том, как узнать правду с помощью различных исследовательских навыков. Автор подчеркивает, что журналистские расследования могут проводиться индивидуально или в команде в газете любого размера независимо от препятствий или корпоративного давления, если только журналист вооружен исследовательским менталитетом. Автор пишет, что подобный исследовательский менталитет востребован в наши дни, когда корпоративное давление на СМИ широко распространено.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Sol V.. Falsafa doktori (PhD) O‘zbekiston jurnalistika va ommaviy kommunikatsiyalar universiteti
Havola nomi
1 Maqolada ko'rsatilmagan